Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Having a tough time with Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut? Need a quick rundown of the keyboard controls and keybindings? This guide has all the PC controls you need in one place!



All PC Settings



Key Mapping


  • Move Forwards: W


  • Move Backwards: S


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Right: D


  • Jump: Space


  • Run: Left Shift


  • Walk:


  • Interact: E


  • Crouch: C




  • Focus: Middle Mouse Button


  • Call Horse: H


  • Guiding Wind: G


  • Play Flute: Z




  • Quick Attack: Left Mouse Button


  • Heavy Attack: Right Mouse Button


  • Dash or Dodge: Left Alt


  • Block: Q


  • Heal: Y


  • Special Ability: V


  • Standoff: X


  • Select Stance: T


  • Select Stone Stance: 1


  • Select Water Stance: 2


  • Select Wind Stance: 3


  • Select Moon Stance: 4


  • Shoot: Left Mouse Button


  • Concentration / Ping: C


  • Switch Camera Side: Q


  • Use Quickfire Weapon: F


  • Select Quickfire Weapon: R


  • Select Kunai:


  • Select Sticky Bomb:


  • Select Way of the Flame:


  • Select Smoke Bomb:




  • Class Ability: Y


  • Mission Ability: X


  • Quick Chat: Help: U


  • Quick Chat: Thanks: I


  • Quick Chat: Let’s Go: O


  • Emote: 8


  • Activate Microphone: Tilde Key




  • Game Menu: Tab


  • Settings Menu: Esc


  • Photo Mode: P


  • Draw Sword: 5


  • Bow (Gesture): 6


  • Shake Sword: 7




  • Select Option 1: 1


  • Select Option 2: 2


  • Select Option 3: 3


  • Select Option 4: 4


  • Next Option: Mouse Wheel Up


  • Previous Option: Mouse Wheel Down



Ammo Types

  • Select Ammo Type 1:


  • Select Ammo Type 2:


  • Select Ammo Type 3:


  • Next Ammo Type: Right Mouse Button


  • Previous Ammo Type:


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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