Mount & Blade: Warband PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
25 Jul 2023
Having trouble with Mount & Blade: Warband? Need a quick rundown of the keyboard controls and keybindings? This guide has all the PC controls you need in one place! There’s also a video tutorial below that walks you through all the game settings.
All PC Settings
Battle Controls
- Move Forward: W
- Move Backward: S
- Move Left: A
- Move Right: D
- Action: F
- Jump: Space
- Crouch: Z
- Attack: Left Mouse Btn
- Defend: Right Mouse Btn
- Kick: E
- Toggle Weapon Mode: X
- Equip Item 1: Numpad 1
- Equip Item 2: Numpad 2
- Equip Item 3: Numpad 3
- Equip Item 4: Numpad 4
- Equip Next Weapon: Scroll Up
- Equip Next Shield: Scroll Down
- Drop Weapon: G
- Sheath Weapon: \
- Leave Location/Retreat: Tab
- Zoom: Shift (left)
- View Outfit: ~
- Toggle First Person View: R
- View Orders: Back Space
- Select Order 1: F1
- Select Order 2: F2
- Select Order 3: F3
- Select Order 4: F4
- Select Order 5: F5
- Select Order 6: F6
- Everyone!: 0
- Group 1!: 1
- Group 2!: 2
- Group 3!: 3
- Group 4!: 4
- Group 5!: 5
- Group 6!: 6
- Group 7!: 7
- Group 8!: 8
- Group 9!: 9
- Others!: =
- Nearby Soldiers!: –
- Send Message to Everyone: T
- Send Message to Team: Y
- Character Window: C
- Inventory Window: I
- Party Window: P
- Quests Window: Q
- Game Log Window: L
- Quick Save: F12
Map Controls
- Move Forward: W
- Move Backward: S
- Move Left: A
- Move Right: D
- Zoom In: Numpad +
- Zoom Out: Numpad –