Might and Magic 9: Crusader to Paladin or Ranger Promotion Guide - Magic Game World

Might and Magic 9: Crusader to Paladin or Ranger Promotion Guide

Might and Magic 9: Crusader to Paladin or Ranger Promotion Guide

Crusader to Paladin Promotion in M&M9

Starting Your Journey at Lindisfarne Monastery

To begin head over to Lindisfarne Monastery – you’ll spot Grehgknak the Right, a monk in blue robes who likes to chill in the main courtyard. He’s the guy you need to talk to for the promotion quest.



Get Three Jobs

When you find Grehgknak, ask him if he has any exciting tasks for an adventurer like you. He’ll give you three things to do:


Here’s what you can do:

  • Get a crucial message to the Jarl of Thjorgard to save him


  • Put a dad in jail for stealing, which messes up his family


  • Help that same family by getting one of the kids a job


Let’s take a closer look:



Saving the Jarl of Thjorgard

First, go to Thjorgard City and look for Jarl Sven Forkbeard’s castle. Give him the letter that talks about someone trying to kill him. Not too hard, huh? Sven’s gonna ask you to come to the Arena tomorrow, so tell him you’ll be there. Just chill for a day then head over to the Arena on the east side of town. Go in and let them know you want to fight. Choose whatever difficulty you think you can handle.


Here’s Byri the Scarred. He’s coming over, but don’t fight him. Talk to him about the letter instead. He’ll spill the beans that Harris Willington is trying to kill someone and then leave. After that, go find Harris Willington. He’s hiding out in the general store in Thjorgard City. Ask him about the letter, and he’ll admit everything.


Head back to Jarl Sven Forkbeard and tell him Harris Willington did it. Jarl Sven will give you a reward for solving the mystery. That’s the end of task one.



Catching the Thief

Next, you’ve got to nab a crook. Go to Sturmford City and talk to the guy at the town hall. This dude’s also in charge of the Gladiator stuff so he’s pretty busy. Ask him if thieves have been causing trouble.


He’ll spill the beans about a thief called Hatlati Oord. Now, Hatlati looks just like any other old geezer and hangs out around the temple area. Find Hatlati Oord, go up to him, and tell him you’ve been keeping an eye on him. Let him know he has to go to the slammer.


Take Hatlati to the town hall. You’ll find a tiny jail on the bottom floor with one guard. Tell the guard you caught someone stealing. He’ll unlock the cell, and Hatlati will step inside. Once Hatlati’s locked up, it’s time to lend a hand to his family.


Head over to Hatlati’s place, which you can spot on the Sturmford City map. When you go in, you’ll meet Itlor Oord, Hatlati’s oldest kid, who looks like a grown-up already. Have a chat with Itlor, break the news about his dad being in jail and hint that he should look for work… Offer to help him find a job.


Next, go to the magic shop in the northern part of town. Talk to the owner Injor. Ask her if she needs help in the shop. When she says yes suggest Itlor for the job. Go back to Itlor & tell him he’s got the job. He’ll say he’ll show up. That’s the second task done.



Wrapping Up

After you finish both tasks, go back to Lindisfarne Monastery. Find Grehgknak the Right and tell him you’ve finished the jobs. He’ll make you a Paladin. Nice job, you’re now a Paladin!



How to Become a Ranger from a Crusader

Starting at Frosgard City

To become a Ranger, go to Frosgard City and find Fenja Treefriend. She’s near the bank. Ask her about the Ranger promotion, and she’ll give you two jobs:


  • Get the bow called Everstrike.


  • Go through the Dungeon of Secrets.



Getting Everstrike

Head to Guberland and find the Dook’s Castle. There’s a box under the castle with Everstrike inside. To get to the caves where it’s kept, turn a certain shield on the wall.


After you have Everstrike, you can start the second job.



Conquering the Dungeon of Secrets

Go to the Dungeon of Secrets in Frosgard. Find the old guy at the entrance and tell him you want to take the Ranger test. This part can be hard. Once you make it through the dungeon, talk to the old guy again to show you’ve finished the test.



Getting Your Promotion

Go back to Fenja Treefriend in Frosgard city and let her know you’ve done all the trials. She’ll make you a Ranger -> You’ve made it!!


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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