Might and Magic 9: Character Stats Guide - Magic Game World

Might and Magic 9: Character Stats Guide

Might and Magic 9: Character Stats Guide

Building your characters sits at the heart of any RPG adventure, and Might and Magic 9 throws you right into that mix. To craft the mightiest warriors getting the hang of each attribute is a must. It’s a tad easier than the old-school M&M adventures, but you’ve still got some learning ahead.


This quick guide will explain the six main attributes — Might, Magic, Endurance, Accuracy, Speed & Luck — and give advice on how to spread them out well for different character types. (Just remember; you can raise all stats up to 25 so you have plenty of chances to make your characters tough.)




Might has an impact on dealing more damage in close combat. This stat is vital if your character will fight on the front lines using swords or axes.


Fighters: Shoot for a Might score of about 15. This will ensure you deal good damage, but don’t forget to pay attention to other key stats.


Spellcasters: If your character prefers to cast spells and avoid close combat, you can keep Might lower, between 7 and 9.




Magic determines the number of spell points your character possesses. If you enjoy casting spells, this is the stat you should focus on. For non-spellcasters however, you can disregard it.


Full-on Magic Users: Aim for a minimum of 15 in Magic. If spells are your main thing, push it higher—up to 19 or 21, to make sure you have enough spell points when you need them.


Fighters Who Use Some Magic: If your Fighter wants to use a bit of magic, like a Ranger or Paladin, a Magic score between 9 and 11 should work well. If your Fighter doesn’t want to cast spells, you can leave Magic at its lowest level.




Endurance gives your characters more hit points, which means they can take more damage before they fall. This stat matters for everyone, but it’s extra important for your fighters who are on the front lines.


Fighters: Aim to have about 19 Endurance. The higher hit points will help you a lot in hard fights.


Spellcasters: Maintain Endurance between 9 and 13. You don’t need the max, but you should have enough to live if a foe gets too near.


Elves: If you play an Elf, you might struggle to increase Endurance. Think about upping Speed instead to dodge hits.




Accuracy affects how often you hit targets, whether up close or from far away. It matters to everyone because missing attacks can bug you.


Fighters: Aim for at least 13 Accuracy, with 15 as the best. You want your attacks to hit their mark in combat.


Spellcasters: Even if you cast spells, keep Accuracy at 11 or above. You’ll need it when you have to shoot an arrow or use a weapon.




Speed has an influence on how fast your character bounces back from attacks and how tricky they are to hit. It’s a helpful stat for most characters.


Most Characters: A Speed stat between 11 and 13 is a good starting point. If you can raise it to 15, that’s even better—you’ll strike faster and avoid more attacks.


Half-Orcs: Speed costs more for Half-Orcs, so you might want to boost Endurance instead; this will give you extra hit points to soak up damage…




Luck acts as a wild card stat that has an impact on various things, like fighting off magic and dodging traps. It’s not as key as other stats, but it still deserves some attention.


Everyone: A Luck score between 11 and 13 is good. It gives you a slight edge without taking too many points from other key stats.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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