Diplomacy is Not an Option PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Diplomacy is Not an Option PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Diplomacy is Not an Option PC Keyboard Controls Guide

People say the pen is mightier than the sword. But in the medieval world of Diplomacy is Not an Option, where armies and kingdoms show their power, diplomacy helps only the weak. Here, strength rules, and you must conquer others to stay alive… To defeat your enemies and become a legendary ruler, you need to know the game’s keyboard controls well.


This full guide will teach you the key commands to move around the battlefield, lead your armies, and build a rich kingdom. Below, you’ll also see a video that shows all the settings, controls, and graphics and display choices of this title.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Shortcuts and Hotkeys


  • Menu/Cancel: Esc


  • Quick Save: F5


  • Quick Load: F9


  • Hide/Show UI: F11


  • Select All Troops in Camera View: `


  • Select All Troops (Double Click): `


  • Additional Indication: Alt


  • Rotate Camera Clockwise: Q


  • Rotate Building Clockwise: Q


  • Widen Units Formation: Q


  • Rotate Camera Counter-Clockwise: E


  • Rotate Building Counter-Clockwise: E


  • Narrow Units Formation: E




  • Free Camera Movement: Ctrl + Mouse Wheel


  • Move Camera Up: W


  • Move Camera Down: S


  • Move Camera Left: A


  • Move Camera Right: D


  • Free Camera Rotation: Mouse Wheel


  • Camera Tilt Up: PgUp


  • Camera Tilt Down: PgDn


  • Camera Zoom In/Our: Mouse Wheel or + (Num)



Main Panel

  • Build Menu: C


  • Build Selected Building (Modifier): Ctrl


  • Auto-Repair Toggle On/Off: X


  • Auto-Repair Selected Building (Modifier): Ctrl


  • Repair Selected Building (Modifier): Ctrl + Shift


  • Research: Z


  • Open All Gates: .


  • Close All Gates: /


  • Open Market: L


  • Repeat Last Order (Modifier): Ctrl


  • Statistics Panel: ;


  • Formations: ‘


  • Summon: O


  • Astral Ray: P


  • Mass Healing: [


  • Meteor: ]


  • Set Attacking Wave (Sandbox Mode): Tab



Game Speed

  • Pause: Space


  • Normal Speed: F1


  • x2 Speed: F2


  • x4 Speed: F3


  • Increase Game Speed: =



Camera Position

  • Focus on the Last Event: Enter


  • Camera Reset: Backspace


  • Orientate Camera to the North: \


  • Camera Position 1: F6


  • Camera Position 2: F7


  • Camera Position 3: F8


  • Set Camera Position (Modifier): Ctrl



Group Control

  • Select Group 1: 1


  • Select Group 2: 2


  • Select Group 3: 3


  • Select Group 4: 4


  • Select Group 5: 5


  • Select Group 6: 6


  • Select Group 7: 7


  • Select Group 8: 8


  • Create Group (Modifier): Ctrl


  • Add to Group (Modifier): Shift


  • Remove from Group (Modifier): Ctrl + Shift


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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