NBA 2K25: Best Victor Wembanyama Build – Rule the Court - Magic Game World

NBA 2K25: Best Victor Wembanyama Build – Rule the Court

NBA 2K25: Best Victor Wembanyama Build – Rule the Court

If you haven’t heard of Victor Wembanyama you must be living under a rock or something… this guy is the future of the NBA (no doubt!!) At a towering 7’3″ with arms like a pterodactyl Wemby is one-of-a-kind on the court. He’s French, but his skills are worldwide. He handles the ball like a guard, shoots like a marksman & guards the rim as if his life hangs in the balance. No one his size moves the way he does, and that’s the truth…


Now in NBA 2K25 you can tap into that Wemby vibe and rule the virtual court like the future star you know he’ll become:




Position: Center


Height: 7’3″


Weight: 230 lbs


Wingspan: 8’0″



Close Shot: 84


Driving Layup: 55

Layups? Come on. You’re a giant. Dunk on them instead.



Driving Dunk: 75

Just enough to slam some wicked one-handed dunks.


You’re not Vince Carter but you’re no pushover either.



Standing Dunk: 90

This is where you shine, buddy. You’ll soar up and posterize guys all day.



Post Control: 77

You’ve got some post moves up your sleeve but you won’t spend all your time there. Enough to keep them guessing though.



Mid-Range Shot: 78

Wemby’s got touch, and you do too.


Take those smooth mid-range shots when you have room.



Three-Point Shot: 73

You’re no Steph Curry, but you can spread the floor.


Sink that three when they underestimate you.



Free Throw: 73

You’ll make them, but don’t expect perfection.



Pass Accuracy: 75

Nobody’s trying to show off here. You can dish out some sweet passes when they don’t see it coming.



Ball Handle: 40

You won’t break ankles, but you won’t lose the ball either. Play it smart.



Speed With Ball: 40

Yeah, you’re slow, but you’re not meant to run point guard. Stick to your role big guy.



Interior Defense: 84

Guard the paint like you’re Fort Knox.


No one’s going to push you around in the low post.



Perimeter Defense: 63

You’re not unbeatable on the outside, but you can hold your own.


Don’t let your guard down.



Steal: 60

You might snag the ball once in a while, but that’s just extra.


Focus on your strengths.



Block: 97

This is where you earn your cash friend! Knock away everything that comes at you. Keep the block party going all day!



Offensive Rebound: 69

You’re not Rodman, but you can still go after those boards. Get those extra points.



Defensive Rebound: 92

Seize those rebounds and start the fast break. Own the glass, and you’ll own the game.



Speed: 60

You’re no Usain Bolt, but you move faster than most big guys.


Get up and down the court, but know your limits.



Agility: 48

You’re not the most agile, but you can hold your own. Just don’t try anything too fancy.



Strength: 72

You’re strong enough to stand your ground, but you won’t push people around like Shaq. Play smart, not tough.



Vertical: 75

You can jump for a big guy. Make the most of that when you grab rebounds and swat away shots.



Gameplay Tips

Get in the Post and Take Control

When you’re rockin’ this build you gotta understand your job. You’re a monster in the paint so make that size work for you. Push ’em back sense where the defender is and once you’re in range, jump up for the dunk or hit ’em with a silky hook shot. They won’t see it coming… and if they send two guys at you, pass it to the open teammate. Points on the board all game long.



Defend the Key

Defense wins championships right?? You need to be that anchor down low. Don’t let anybody come in your house thinking they’ll score easy buckets. Stay patient, time your jumps, and swat their shots into the third row.


Nobody will mess with you once they see you blocking shots like you’re trying to make a highlight reel.



Stretch the Floor

Don’t just hang around the paint buddy. You’ve got a solid shot so move out and fire away from mid-range or even from downtown. You expand the court and the defense will be all mixed up. They need to watch your shot… and that creates paths for your teammates to attack; it’s about keeping them on their toes.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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