NBA 2K25: Best Ron Artest Build - Lockdown SF - Magic Game World

NBA 2K25: Best Ron Artest Build – Lockdown SF

NBA 2K25: Best Ron Artest Build - Lockdown SF

Metta World Peace known before as Ron Artest, snatched the title as a super chill defender on the basketball court… His game was all about hardcore defense, smart plays, and mega toughness.


This Metta World Peace setup in NBA 2K25 will help you shut down the court and nail those crucial points;




Position: Small Forward (SF)


Height: 6’7″


Weight: 229 lbs


Wingspan: 7’3″


  • Close Shot (72): High enough to score inside when you need an easy basket near the rim.


  • Driving Layup (50): Not great at cutting through traffic, but it works for quick moves to the hoop.


  • Driving Dunk (65): You won’t soar like Vince Carter, but you can still slam it down when the path to the basket opens up.


  • Standing Dunk (45): Just enough power to finish those fast putbacks and simple dunks when you’re in the right spot.


  • Post Control (50): You know the basics down low, but this build doesn’t focus on pushing opponents around in the paint.


  • Mid-Range Shot (87): Your offensive strength lies here just like Artest… you can sink those mid-range jumpers.


  • Three-Point Shot (79): You have a reliable shot from distance. While you’re not at Steph Curry’s level you pose a real threat from behind the arc!!


  • Free Throw (91): You’ll score from the line so fouls won’t worry you.


  • Pass Accuracy (75): You have good playmaking abilities to deliver assists in close situations.


  • Ball Handle (65): You can control the ball well enough, but it’s best to avoid too much showmanship.


  • Speed With Ball (59): You’re not the quickest with the ball…


  • Interior Defense (64): You can defend okay in the paint but don’t think you’ll stop every shot at the rim.


  • Perimeter Defense (96): This is what you do best… stop anyone trying to get by you.


  • Steal (94): Take the ball like you’re robbing someone. Other players better keep that ball safe.


  • Block (78): Jump up and knock down some shots when they come at you without power.


  • Offensive Rebound (25): You won’t grab many boards on the offensive end.


  • Defensive Rebound (60): You can snag some rebounds on defense; but you’re no Dennis Rodman.


  • Speed (84): You’re fast enough to keep pace with almost anyone on the court.


  • Agility (84): This allows you to move on defense and navigate around screens.


  • Strength (85): Stand your ground against your opponent and don’t let them push you around. You’re the one doing the pushing.


  • Vertical (74): You’ve got enough jump to challenge shots and grab some rebounds.



Gameplay Tips

When you’re on the court with this Ron Artest build; focus on shutting down your opponent. Your 96 perimeter defense and 94 steal rating are top-notch. Don’t give anyone space—play close, get in their face, and make them earn every point. When you spot that ball exposed, take it. You’ve got that Hall of Fame Interceptor so you’ll be grabbing passes from the air like it’s easy.


On offense, you won’t be the main point-getter, but your mid-range shooting is no joke. That 87 midrange rating means you can pull up and sink that jumper when they give you space. And if you spot a good three-point opportunity let it fly—you’ve got this


During fast breaks, your speed helps you keep pace. You can finish with a solid dunk or layup, but remember, defense is where you shine. Get back, set up, and lock down your opponent.


When it comes to playmaking, simplicity is key. You have solid passing skills so focus on making smart, safe passes. Don’t try to show off with fancy dribbling moves; instead, keep the ball moving, set screens, and look out for teammates who are open.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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