Controls for Atlas Fallen: Reign Of Sand - Magic Game World

Controls for Atlas Fallen: Reign Of Sand

Controls for Atlas Fallen: Reign Of Sand

This article lists the default controls used for Atlas Fallen: Reign Of Sand on the PC, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls

Move Forward: W


Move Backward: S


Move Left: A


Move Right: D


Jump: Space


Evade: Ctrl


Sandskin: Q


Toggle Sprint / Sand Slide: Shift


Toggle Walk: Alt


Interact: E


Raise / Crush: V


Primary Attack: Left Mouse Button


Secondary Attack: Right Mouse Button


Use Idol: R


Use Active Stone (Tier 1): 1


Use Active Stone (Tier 2): 2


Use Active Stone (Tier 3): 3


Shatter: F


Show health, Idol and momentum UI: F1


Target Lock: Middle Mouse Button


Cycle Body Part: TAB


Lock Next Target Left: Mouse Wheel Up


Lock Next Target Right: Mouse Wheel Down


Show Inventory: I


Show Questlog: L


Show Map: M


Show Armour: B


Show Journey: J


Show Co-op: O


Show Gauntlet: N


Nyaal’s Senses: H


Distress Signal (Co-op): G


Cycle Quest Tracker left: Z


(HOLD) Hide/Show Quest / Cycle Quest Tracker right: X


Cycle Stones presets left: 9


Cycle Stones presets right: 0


Photo Mode Shortcut: F4



Xbox Gamepad Controls (Series X/S)

Controls for Atlas Fallen: Reign Of Sand


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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