Until Dawn PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Until Dawn PC Keyboard Controls Guide

A deer with glowing eyes stands in a misty forest (Until Dawn PC)

Until Dawn is all about life-or-death decisions as your group of friends is stuck in this creepy mountain lodge, and things get seriously spooky. This horror gem has just arrived on PC after being a PlayStation exclusive, so now it’s time to get familiar with the controls if you want any chance of keeping your characters alive—though we suggest playing this gem with a gamepad.


The Butterfly Effect system means even the smallest choices can have huge consequences—the more comfortable you are with the keyboard, the better you’ll handle things. Mastering quick decisions to avoid danger and explore the eerie atmosphere keeps you one step ahead…


In this guide, we cover all the default key bindings so one can jump into the chaos without skipping a beat. Be prepared for some jumpscares and tough calls since your survival depends on it.



PC Keyboard Controls & Default Key Bindings


Interact: E or Left Mosue Button


Grab: Left Mouse Button or E


Continue Interaction: Spacebar


Exit Interaction: Left Arrow or Right Mouse Button


Transcript Replay: E


Interaction Movement Up: W


Interaction Movement Down: S


Interaction Movement Left: A


Interaction Movement Right: D




Forward: W


Backward: S


Left: A


Right: D




Up: Up Arrow


Down: Down Arrow


Left: Left Arrow


Right: Right Arrow




Left Choice (Default Input): A


Fight Choice (Default Input): D




Shoot: Left Mouse Button or Spacebar


Aim Up: W


Aim Down: S


Aim Left: A


Aim Right: D



Quick Time Events (QTE)

QTE 1: S


QTE 2: W


QTE 3: A


QTE 4: D


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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