Streets of Rogue 2: PC Keyboard Controls - Magic Game World

Streets of Rogue 2: PC Keyboard Controls

Streets of Rogue 2

Buckle up, because things are about to get a whole lot crazier in this open world of chaos and endless possibility that is Streets of Rogue 2. Be it sneaking around, smashing things up, or building your little town, knowing the controls is key. I’ve got you covered with a quick tour through all default keybindings so that you may jump in and start playing without fumbling around. Just get comfortable with the controls while causing some mayhem either by yourself or in a small group of friends.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

Right: D


Left: A


Up: W


Down: S


Attack: Left Mouse Button


Special: Right Mouse Button


Special 2: –


Interact: E


Inventory: Q


Missions: Tab


Quick-Use Health Item: F


Stats: R


Teleport to Objective: Left Control


Extra Info: Space


Modifier Key: Left Shift


Select Previous Weapon: Mouse Wheel Up


Select Next Weapon: Mouse Wheel Down


Select Item 1: 1


Select Item 2: 2


Select Item 3: 3


Select Item 4: 4


Select Item 5: 5


Chat: Return


Build: –



Control Scheme (Keyboard and Mouse)

Streets of Rogue 2: PC Keyboard Controls


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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