Sea Power: Complete List of PC Key Bindings - Magic Game World

Sea Power: Complete List of PC Key Bindings

Sea Power

Jumping into Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age, you should grasp the controls—it enhances everything from guiding your fleet to launching missiles once you know what each button does.


This guide gives you the full rundown of PC key bindings so that you can focus on dominating the seas. And if you’re after more details on how the controls work, be sure to check out the guide below.


Sea Power PC Keyboard Controls and Shortcuts Guide



All Default Key Bindings

Game Controls

Toggle HUD: Backspace

Pause: Space

Increase Time Compression: Equals

Decrease Time Compression: Minus

Stop Time Compression: 1

Cease Fire: X

Cancel: Escape

Quick Save: F5

Quick Load: F9



Debug Controls

Toggle Debug Panel: F10

[Debug] All Ships Launch: Alpha2



Camera Controls


Rotate Pivot: Mouse0

Rotate Camera: LeftShift + Mouse1

Translate Forward: LeftShift + W

Translate Backward: LeftShift + S

Translate Left: LeftShift + A

Translate Right: LeftShift + D

Translate Up: LeftShift + R

Translate Down: LeftShift + F

Reset: LeftShift + Mouse2

Roll: Z

Roll Reset: LeftShift + Z

Toggle Rotation Lock: LeftShift + L




Boost: LeftShift

Slow: LeftControl

Pan Up: UpArrow

Pan Down: DownArrow

Pan Left: LeftArrow

Pan Right: RightArrow

Move Forward: W

Move Backward: S

Move Left: A

Move Right: D

Move Up: R

Move Down: F

Zoom In: LeftShift + Equals

Alt Zoom In: Equals

Zoom Out: LeftShift + Minus

Alt Zoom Out: Minus

Horizontal Lock: Mouse2

Set Flyby Position: LeftAlt + S



Flyby Camera Controls

Move Up: R

Move Down: F

Cinematic Camera Enabled: LeftShift + F1

Cinematic Camera Reset Position: LeftShift + F2

Cinematic Camera Left/Right Rotate: LeftShift + F3

Cinematic Camera Left/Right Rotate Direction: LeftControl + F3

Cinematic Camera Up/Down Rotate: LeftShift + F4

Cinematic Camera Up/Down Rotate Direction: LeftControl + F4

Cinematic Camera Move Forward: LeftShift + F5

Cinematic Camera Move Forward Direction: LeftControl + F5

Cinematic Camera Sine Rotation: LeftShift + F6

Follow Camera: F1

Free Camera: F2

Flyby Camera: F3

Camera Mode Follow Smooth Rotation: F4



General Controls

Screenshot Without UI: Return

Screenshot With UI: Keypad Enter

Toggle Fullscreen Minimap: Tab

Reset Minimap: M

Center Minimap: C

Delete Waypoints: Delete



Unit Selection Controls

Store Unit 1: LeftControl + Alpha1

Select Unit 1: Alpha1

Store Unit 2: LeftControl + Alpha2

Select Unit 2: Alpha2

Store Unit 3: LeftControl + Alpha3

Select Unit 3: Alpha3

Store Unit 4: LeftControl + Alpha4

Select Unit 4: Alpha4

Store Unit 5: LeftControl + Alpha5

Select Unit 5: Alpha5

Store Unit 6: LeftControl + Alpha6

Select Unit 6: Alpha6

Store Unit 7: LeftControl + Alpha7

Select Unit 7: Alpha7

Store Unit 8: LeftControl + Alpha8

Select Unit 8: Alpha8

Store Unit 9: LeftControl + Alpha9

Select Unit 9: Alpha9

Store Unit 10: LeftControl + Alpha0

Select Unit 10: Alpha0

Store Unit 11: LeftControl + LeftShift + Alpha1

Select Unit 11: LeftShift + Alpha1

Store Unit 12: LeftControl + LeftShift + Alpha2

Select Unit 12: LeftShift + Alpha2

Store Unit 13: LeftControl + LeftShift + Alpha3

Select Unit 13: LeftShift + Alpha3

Store Unit 14: LeftControl + LeftShift + Alpha4

Select Unit 14: LeftShift + Alpha4

Store Unit 15: LeftControl + LeftShift + Alpha5

Select Unit 15: LeftShift + Alpha5

Store Unit 16: LeftControl + LeftShift + Alpha6

Select Unit 16: LeftShift + Alpha6

Store Unit 17: LeftControl + LeftShift + Alpha7

Select Unit 17: LeftShift + Alpha7

Store Unit 18: LeftControl + LeftShift + Alpha8

Select Unit 18: LeftShift + Alpha8

Store Unit 19: LeftControl + LeftShift + Alpha9

Select Unit 19: LeftShift + Alpha9

Store Unit 20: LeftControl + LeftShift + Alpha0

Select Unit 20: LeftShift + Alpha0



Vessel Control

Switch to Formation Leader: Mouse2

Switch to Next Unit in Formation: Mouse4

Switch to Previous Unit in Formation: Mouse3

Previous Player Vessel: LeftShift + LeftArrow

Next Player Vessel: LeftShift + RightArrow

Previous AI Vessel: LeftControl + LeftArrow

Next AI Vessel: LeftControl + RightArrow



Speed Control

Increase Speed: W

Decrease Speed: S

Rudder Left: A

Rudder Right: D



Aircraft and Submarine Control

Launch Aircraft: L

Surface Sub: LeftShift + R

Periscope Depth: P

Dive Sub: LeftShift + F

Decrease Sub Depth: R

Increase Sub Depth: F



Debug Sub Controls

Sub Pitch Up: UpArrow

Sub Pitch Down: DownArrow

Sub Ballast Up: Home

Sub Ballast Down: End



Mast Controls

Toggle Snorkel Mast: Alpha6

Toggle Periscope Mast: Alpha7

Toggle Radar Mast: Alpha8

Toggle ESM Mast: Alpha9



Aircraft Control

Previous Player Aircraft: LeftShift + DownArrow

Next Player Aircraft: LeftShift + UpArrow

Previous AI Aircraft: LeftControl + DownArrow

Next AI Aircraft: LeftControl + UpArrow

Increase Aircraft Altitude: R

Decrease Aircraft Altitude: F

Aircraft RTB (Return to Base): T



Weapon Systems

[Debug] Change LOD (Level of Detail): L

[Debug] Reload Animations: R

Select Next Weapon System: M

Arm Weapon System: 1

Safe Weapon System: 2

Fire Selected Weapon: 3

Select Next Launcher: C

Select Next Ammunition: K



[Debug] Controls

Rotate Up: Alpha8

Rotate Down: Alpha2

Rotate Left: Alpha4

Rotate Right: Alpha6

Reload Current Object: LeftShift + Backspace




Launch Chaff: LeftShift + C

Launch Noisemaker: LeftShift + N


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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