Hearts of Iron IV PC Keyboard Controls and Shortcuts Guide
Hearts of Iron IV puts you in the seat of guiding your nation through the turmoil of World War II. You will control the armies, balance the alliances, and take over the whole world. Let’s get real, though-clicking through endless menus, stopping every few seconds, won’t win any fights. Here’s where keyboard shortcuts will come in handy. This guide will go through all the hotkeys that’ll keep your gameplay running smoothly while you attend to more pressing matters, like choosing between declaring war on France or getting up for a cup of coffee. It’s time to say goodbye to slow mouse clicks and hello to global domination-all from your keyboard!
Complete Hotkey List for HOI 4
Top Menu
- Q: Government
- Shift + Q: Decisions
- Shift + W: Intelligence Agency
- W: Research
- E: International Market
- R: Trade
- T: Construction
- Y: Production
- U: Recruit & Deploy
- I: Logistics
- Shift + E: Officer Corps
Map Hotkeys
- Ctrl + Number (1-0): Assign province/strategic region to number
- Home: Zoom in
- End: Zoom out
- Ctrl + F9: Toggle GUI
- Ctrl + F10: Save map
- Ctrl + Shift + F10: Toggle freeze camera
- F11: Screenshot
- Space/Pause/Break: Toggle pause
- Backspace: Jump to capital
- Arrow Keys: Pan camera
Map Mode Interface Hotkeys
- Ctrl + F1: All Possible Map Modes window
- F: Search (Find)
- F1: Default (Political/Terrain)
- F2: Strategic Navy
- F3: Strategic Air
- F4: Supply
- F5: Terrain
- F6: Resistance
- F7: Compliance
- F8: Resource
- F9: Infrastructure
- F10: Factions
- M: Unit Counters (Toggle)
- , (Comma): Counter Colors (Toggle)
- . (Period): Allied Battleplans (Toggle)
- N: Day/Night (Toggle)IV. Army Hotkeys
- O: Division Overview
- Ctrl + Number (1-0): Assign army/divisions to number
Battleplan Hotkeys
- K: Exercise
- Shift + K: Exercise until trained
- Z: Front Line
- X: Offensive Line
- Shift + X: Spearhead
- C: Fallback Line
- V: Garrison Area
- Ctrl: Divisions Assignment Mode
- Ctrl + H: Unassign Divisions Mode
- Alt: Edit Mode
- Delete: Delete Order
Division Management Hotkeys
- X: Unassign Units
- S: Select Half
- H: Hold
- B: Strategic Redeployment
- Ctrl + B: Toggle Strategic Redeployment
- Shift + Right Click: Set waypoints
- Ctrl + Right Click: Support Attack
- Ctrl + H: Remove from Assigned Battleplan
Naval Hotkeys
- Ctrl + Number (1-0): Assign task force(s) to number
- P: Navy Overview
- D: Split task force
- S: Select half of naval units
- G: Merge task forces
- K: Naval Exercises
- Shift + K: Naval Exercises until trained
- H: Hold (return to port)
- Ctrl + H: Hold (stay in place)
- Z: Patrol
- X: Strike Force
- C: Convoy Raiding
- V: Convoy Escort
- B (Man the Guns DLC): Minelaying
- Shift + B (Man the Guns DLC): Minesweeping
- A: Naval Invasion Support
- Delete: Remove Region
Air Hotkeys
- Ctrl + Number (1-0): Assign air wing(s) to number
- L: Airforce Overview
- D: Split air wings
- G: Merge air wings
- O: Merge air groups
- A: Select/Deselect all (in airfield/carrier)
- S: Select half of air wings
- H: Hold
- X: Remove selection from air group
- N: New wing
- K: Pilot Exercises
- Shift + K: Pilot Exercises until trained
- Z: Air Superiority Mission
- X: Close Air Support Mission
- C: Interception Mission
- V: Strategic Bombing Mission
- B: Naval Strike Mission
- J: Port Strike Mission
- Ctrl + R (No Step Back DLC): Logistics Strike Mission
- Ctrl + B: Kamikaze Strike Mission