Rise of the Ronin PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Articles, Misc. Guides /
03 Feb 2025
Rise of the Ronin: about to become a legendary samurai? Sweet. Awesome story, stunning Japan, 8K eye candy – it’s all here. But even the most skilled samurai can be defeated by bad controls. Let’s be real, ‘death by accidental bow’ is not how you want to go down in Ronin history. Thankfully, PC Ronin offers customizable controls! To save you from control-induced chaos, we’ve listed every key binding right here.
PC Keyboard Controls (Default Keybindings)
In-game Controls
- Move Forward: W
- Move Back: S
- Move Left: A
- Move Right: D
- Normal Attack: Mouse Left Click
- Counterspark/Assassinate: Mouse Right Click
- Dodge/Sprint: Shift
- Jump: Space
- Use Item 1: F1
- Use Item 2: F2
- Use Item 3: F3
- Use Item 4: F4
- Crouch: C
- Lock-on: MMB
- Switch Target (Left): Mouse Wheel Up
- Switch Target (Right): Mouse Wheel Down
- Switch Target (Near): N
- Block: Ctrl
- Switch to Ally 1: V
- Switch to Ally 2: B
- Switch Primary Weapon: Z
- Switch Sub-Weapon: X
- Combat Styles HUD: Alt
- Interact: E
- Switch Style (Backward): E + F
- Switch Style (Forward): F
- Reload Sub-weapon: E + R
- Sheathe/Unsheathe: Back
- Martial Skill 1: 1
- Martial Skill 2: 2
- Martial Skill 3: 3
- Veiled Art: 4
- Toggle Loadout (Left): T
- Toggle Loadout (Right): Y
- Use/Ready Sub-weapon: R
- Grappling Rope: Q
- Ki Blaze: G
- Walk: H
- Pause Auto-Run: End
- Menu: Tab
- Map: M
- Gesture: J
- Photo Mode: P
- Gesture 1 (Shortcut): –
- Gesture 2 (Shortcut): –
- Gesture 3 (Shortcut): –
- Gesture 4 (Shortcut): –
- Gesture 5 (Shortcut): –
- Gesture 6 (Shortcut): –
- Gesture 7 (Shortcut): –
- Gesture 8 (Shortcut): –
- Gesture 9 (Shortcut): –
- Loadout 1-1 (Shortcut): –
- Loadout 1-2 (Shortcut): –
- Loadout 1-3 (Shortcut): –
- Loadout 1-4 (Shortcut): –
- Loadout 2-1 (Shortcut): –
- Loadout 2-2 (Shortcut): –
- Loadout 2-3 (Shortcut): –
- Loadout 2-4 (Shortcut): –
- Loadout 3-1 (Shortcut): –
- Loadout 3-2 (Shortcut): –
- Loadout 3-3 (Shortcut): –
- Loadout 3-4 (Shortcut): –
- Medicinal Pill (Shortcut): 5
- Horse Flute (Shortcut): 6
Menu Controls
- Select (Mouse): Mouse Left Click
- Options (Mouse): Mouse Right Click
- On-Screen Command (Mouse): Mouse Wheel Click
- Scroll Up (Mouse): Mouse Wheel Up
- Scroll Down (Mouse): Mouse Wheel Down
- Select: Space / Enter
- Back: Esc
- Move Cursor Up: W / Up Arrow
- Move Cursor Down: S / Down Arrow
- Move Cursor Left: A / Left Arrow
- Move Cursor Right: D / Right Arrow
- On-Screen Command 1: Shift
- On-Screen Command 2: Ctrl
- On-Screen Command 3: V
- On-Screen Command 4: B
- Switch 1: Q
- Switch 2: E
- Switch 1 (Sub): Z
- Switch 2 (Sub): C
- Sub-Function: G
- Scroll Up: PgUp
- Scroll Down: PgDn
- Scroll Up (Sub): Ins
- Scroll Down (Sub): Del
- Switch Window Level (Back): 1
- Switch Window Level (Forward): 3
- Zoom In: Home
- Zoom Out: End
- Options: Tab