FATE Reawakened: Beginner's Guide - Tips for New Players - Magic Game World

FATE Reawakened: Beginner’s Guide – Tips for New Players

FATE Reawakened

Are you new to FATE: Reawakened? Then, here’s the essential info & some tips/tricks to get you started on the right foot in this amazing game…



Creating Your Hero – No Classes, No Problem!

Don’t worry about picking a class, FATE lets you build your character how you want. You have four major things to think about:


Strength: Do you want to smash faces up close -> max this out… also helps with heavy armor & large weapons.


Dexterity: Do you like to fight at range? Dexterity is your friend. Helps you aim better with bows and dodge attacks.


Vitality: Basically, how much of a beating you can take. More vitality = more health and tougher you are…


Magic: Want to be able to cast spells and nuke monsters with fireballs? Magic is the way to go. Makes your spells stronger & also grants you more mana.


As you level you gain points to spend on these – just think about how you want to play… smashing things?


Strength and Vitality. Shooting from afar? Dexterity. Magical mayhem? Magic! Easy peasy.


And naturally, you pick a race -> Human, Elf, Orc, some strange Cogger beast or an Imp!! They’re all a little different to begin with, but honestly, just pick what looks good: doesn’t lock you in too much.



Don’t Leave Home Without Your Scaly (or Furry?) Sidekick!

First things first, you adopt a pet! Your pick, cat or dog. But here’s the twist: these aren’t decorative pets… they fight with you, they hold your surplus items (inventory space!!), and get this -> you feed them fish and THEY TURN INTO INSANE MONSTERS! Seriously, fishing is quite important in this game; more on that in a sec.



Gameplay – Dungeon Diving 101

Okay, so you’re in Grove. Find the Dungeon Gate and jump on in! Dungeons are random, so each time is a new adventure. Expect monsters, traps, maybe some puzzles, and absolutely TONS OF LOOT. Combat’s real-time, so get ready to click and dodge! You’ll be swinging swords, shooting arrows, casting spells – whatever your build is sporting. As you kill stuff and finish quests, you level up & get more powerful. Easy peasy.


Speaking of quests, the people in Grove will also give you quests. Do them! They give you rewards and also give you something called Fame. Fame is cool because the more famous you are -> the cooler equipment you can equip. Legendary swords and armor? Have to get famous for those!



Fishing? Seriously? YES!

Fishing in FATE is not some casual side activity. It’s quite important actually. You find fishing spots in the world, cast your line, and you can catch all sorts of things: fish, items, even ancient artifacts! And remember those pets transforming into monsters? Yeah some fish do that too. So don’t forget the fishing!



Death and Resurrection – It Happens!

You’re gonna die (a lot)… it’s a dungeon crawler after all… But FATE gives you choices when you bite the dust:


Instant Rez (Expensive): Respawn right there but it’s going to cost a lot of gold.


Dungeon Entrance Rez (XP Loss): Back to the dungeon entrance, lose some XP.


Town Rez (XP and Gold Loss): Safest, but lose both XP and gold.


Think about the risk vs. reward when you die



Loot is King

Seriously, you’ll be drowning in loot. Weapons, armor, rings, pet upgrades – you name it. Keep an eye out for good stuff to beef up your character.



Misc. Tips for New Fate Adventurers:

Starter Pack Must-Haves:

First things first? Buy a Fishing Pole, Town Portal Book, and Identification Book. Trust me on this…



Side Quests = XP Goodness

Don’t forego those side quests. they’re a major part of your XP & item rewards. Gotta level up!



Fate Statue Prayers:

Pray at the Fate statue… you’ll get gems. Gems are for socketing equipment later; makes your equipment even more powerful.



Pet Inventory is Your Friend:

Your pet is basically a second backpack: use it – and use your pet to run back to town to sell stuff while you keep dungeon crawling. Saves trips!



Save Often!

Town portals are your save points – so use ’em!!


FATE is all about trying out different builds & abilities… so don’t be afraid to mess around and see what works for you… you can always respec later if you feel like mixing things up.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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