Star Wars: Battlefront II - PS4 Starfighter Controls - Magic Game World

Star Wars: Battlefront II – PS4 Starfighter Controls

Star Wars: Battlefront II PS4 Starfighter Controls

Learn the basics of flying starfighters in Star Wars: Battlefront II on PS4 with this guide to the default controls.



PlayStation 4 Controller Bindings

  • L1 – Left Ability


  • R1 – Right Ability


  • L2 – Zoom


  • R2 – Fire


  • L1 + R1 – Middle Ability


  • Left Stick Up/Down – Throttle


  • Left Stick Right/Left – Roll


  • Right Stick Up/Down – Pitch


  • Right Stick Right/Left – Yaw


  • D-pad – Rear Camera


  • D-pad Down – 1st/3rd Person


  • X – Target


  • Touchpad – Scoreboard


  • Options Button – Options


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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