Might And Magic VI: The Mandate Of Heaven PC Keyboard Controls
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven /
26 Nov 2017
Default Key Bindings
- Escape: Access Game Options / Exit window
- Tab: Cycles Character Selection
- Q: Access quest sub-screen
- A: Attack, Shoot arrows, Pass on turn
- Z: Quick reference
- C: Cast a new spell
- S: Cast readied spell, if no spell is selected, this key functions as “A”
- R: Rest
- T: Time / Calendar
- Spacebar: Search Body, chest, crate, or object. Activate objects
- N: Autonotes
- M: Map Book
- X: Jump
- Arrows: Movement
- Shift + Arrow: Run (or walk if Always run is selected)
- Ctrl + Side Arrows: Sidestep (Strafe)
- Page Down Key: Look Up
- End Key: Center Viewpoint
- Delete Key: Look Down
—The following three buttons can only be used if the fly spell is activated.
- Page Up Key: Fly Up
- Home Key: Land (Fall)
- Insert Key: Fly Down
- Enter: Enter turn-based mode or real-time mode
- + and -: Zoom in/out in the automap.
- 1-4: Select / View character 1-4
- 5-6: Select / Speak with NPC 1-2
- F4: Full Screen / Windows toggle
Is there a way to change them?
yeah there is i just changed them with this greyface patch which also adds mouse support .