Dominions 5 – Immortal Pretenders
Some pretenders (Vampire Queen, various manner of liches, the Phoenix for obvious reasons, and others) are immortal. There are two kinds of immortality in Dominions 5: immortality and dominion immortality. Dominion immortality (example: Phoenix) means that if a pretender is killed while in a province with friendly dominion, it will simply re-appear in their nation’s home province. If they die in a province that does not contain friendly dominion, they are subject to Call God just like non-immortal pretenders. Immortality (example: the Lich) means that a pretender is fully immortal and can even die outside its dominion and still re-form. Reforming a pretender’s body (whether immortal or dominion immortal) takes some time, usually about three months, but is dependent on the monster type. If the pretender is soul slain, reformation will take another three months. Reforming the body usually gets rid of most afflictions. Immortals do not heal afflictions otherwise.