Battle Chef Brigade - Cooking Match Guide - Magic Game World

Battle Chef Brigade – Cooking Match Guide


A guide to every round of the cook-off in the main campaign, detailing the judges, their preferences, and the theme ingredients of the match.



Chapter 1

Shortly after arriving in Brigade Town, Mina will challenge Thrash to a practice match. This will serve as your first taste of the cooking competition gameplay and is your only actual match for this chapter.



Practice Match

Opponent: Thrash


Judge: Kirin


Judge’s Favored Flavor: EARTH


Theme Ingredient: Caranha


Caranha Parts: 4 Types Total – Seed, Stomach, Wing, Jelly



Chapter 2

Each day, you will have the opportunity to work three jobs. At the Hunter’s Guild, at the Crescent Restaurant, and at Belchior’s Workshop. It is recommended that you perform all three jobs before you proceed with challenging another contestant for a match. Although on most days you have the chance to finish the jobs after your match, sometimes story progress will lock you out and prevent you from working after you’ve finished your match.


Also, each job you do gives you gold with which you can buy ingredients, expertise books, or cooking equipment from the shop. These can help you improve your score during the cooking match.


At the start of Chapter 2, after completing the tutorial for each of the three jobs and the shopping, you have the option of challenging either Thrash or Shiv for your first official match. Although the prompt for Cezar is available too, he won’t accept your challenge.



Match #1

Opponent: Thrash or Shiv


Judge: Ambassedor Akebo


Judge’s Favored Flavor: FIRE


Theme Ingredient: Baurun


Baurun Parts: 2 Types Total – Ribs, Steak


Note: If you win against Shiv, she gives you a trinket that lets your daggers slow enemies. If you win against Thrash, he gives you a trinket that lets your daggers set enemies on fire.


At the start of the next day, you’ll get a trinket that gives you +1 Mana and +1 HP


You can challenge either Leonid or Kirin for this day. Cezar is still not willing to accept your challenge.



Match #2

Opponent: Kirin or Leonid


Judge: Instructor Maradain


Judge’s Favored Flavor: WATER


Theme Ingredient: Dragon


Dragon Parts: 3 Types Total


Note: The dragon can be a difficult monster to fight. Be sure to hunt him down first or risk running out of time to gather the ingredients.


If you win against Leonid, he gives you an ingredient that adds wildcard orbs to your dish. If you win against Kirin, she gives you a pair of winged boots that lets you double jump.


Before your next match, Kirin introduces you to Expertise Books. She will also give you Apprentice Expertise: Butcher for free. This book will let you gain bonus points if your dish uses all the possible types of ingredients from the themed monster.


Cezar the grumpy dwarf will now finally accept challenges from you!



Match #3

Opponent: Cezar or Ziggy or Shiv or Thrash or Kirin


Judge: Grand Matriarch Hazgil and Akebo


Judge’s Favored Flavor: EARTH, FIRE


Theme Ingredient: Verskit


Verskit Parts: 3 Types Total – Blood, Meat, Tail


Note: If you defeat Cezar, he gives you the Stoic’s Pan, which requires 4 orbs to match but will promote a level 1 gem to level 3. Ziggy will give you his spicy ketchup, which gives x2 Red Sauce.


On the next day, if you work at Belchior’s shop he will give you a free slow cooker oven, so you do not need to buy it in the shop.



Match #4

Opponent: Cezar or Ziggy or Leonid


Judge: Maradain and Hazgil


Judge’s Favored Flavor: WATER, EARTH


Theme Ingredient: Windfruit


Windfruit Parts: 1 Only


Note: The bonus from Expertise: Butcher does not seem to work when the theme ingredient has only one part.



Chapter 3

There are no cooking matches during this chapter. However, you do obtain the Combo Pan at the end of the chapter. It is superior to your default Old Pan in every way.



Chapter 4

The first few matches in this chapter will be unofficial cook-offs in the practice arena. You have no choice of opponent during this time.



Match #1

Opponent: Shiv


Judges: Belchior, Thorn


Judge’s Favored Flavor: FIRE, WATER


Theme Ingredient: Any Mutated Monster


Notes: You do not get any items for winning this match.



Match #2

Opponent: Ziggy


Judge: Jelly


Judge’s Favored Flavor: EARTH/FIRE


Theme Ingredient: King Bean


King Bean Parts: 1 Only


Notes: This is your first judge who wants two flavors at once. To meet their tastes both those types of lvl 3 gems must be tied for the most in your dish.


After this is back to the tournament. You will have a few possible opponents once again.



Match #3

Opponent: Quetzal, Leonid, Cezar, or Wart


Judges: Sun Cultist Sargon, Hazgil


Judge’s Favored Flavor: EARTH/WATER, EARTH


Theme Ingredient: Cragmor


Cragmor Parts: 2 Type – Shell and Claw


Notes: Winning against Quetzal gives you a trinket that grants +4 Mana. Winning versus Wart gives you a spatula that lets you have an extra move for fragile gems.


At the end of the day you gain a new trink that gives +3 Satchet slots. At the start of the next day you get a new ingredient, which grants you x2 Promote sauces.



Match #4

Opponent: Weiz


Judges: Kevin the Generous, Vivian


Judge’s Favored Flavor: FIRE/EARTH, FIRE/WATER


Theme Ingredient: Scowl


Scowl Parts: 2 Typess – Wing, Talon


Notes: Winning against Weiz gives you a trinket that prevents knockout once while hunting, but using it may be… hazardous to your mental health. Not Mina’s, the player’s.


Next day, speaking to the Innkeeper gives you a trinket that allows your combos to give x2 stars. Speaking to the elder on the bench near the restaurant gives you a trinket that increases the rank of a single gem in all plant ingredients you harvest.



Match #5

Opponent: Wart or Quetzal or Ziggy


Judges: Maradain, Chief Engineer Lien, Hazgil


Judge’s Favored Flavor: WATER, FIRE/EARTH, EARTH


Theme Ingredient: Lupir


Lupir Parts: 2 Types – Leg, Bladder


The next day you will have to face three opponents, one after another in a gauntlet. Your pantry will carry over between rounds, and you can change your loadout as well.



Match #6

Opponent: Knife


Judges: Akebo


Judge’s Favored Flavor: FIRE


Theme Ingredient: Dragon


Dragon Parts: 3 Types – Heart, Steak, Shank



Match #7

Opponent: Spoon


Judges: Maradain, Rudis


Judge’s Favored Flavor: WATER, EARTH/WATER


Theme Ingredient: Armarock


Amarock Parts: 3 Typess – Heart, Liver, Steak



Match #8

Opponent: Fork


Judges: Pontida, Kamin, Thorn


Judge’s Favored Flavor: EARTH, RAINBOW, FIRE/EARTH


Theme Ingredient: Hydra


Amarock Parts: 4 Types



Chapter 5

Your character changes to Thrash at this point. Trash has his own equipment as well as match history, meaning you will be able to challenge chefs even if Mina has already dueled them in the past. You will also win rewards from the match, although it will be the same ones as before



Match #1

Opponent: Cezard, Wart, or Leonid


Judges: Hazgil


Judge’s Favored Flavor: EARTH


Theme Ingredient: Sunhat Tomato


Tomato Parts: 1 Type Only


After the first match you will have predetermined opponents, and will not have the chance for challenging.



Match #2

Opponent: Riv


Judges: Thane Paz


Judge’s Favored Flavor: FIRE


Theme Ingredient: Nochi Fruit


Tomato Parts: 1 Type Only



Match #3

Opponent: Lotta


Judges: Dorothy, Paz


Judge’s Favored Flavor: EARTH/FIRE, FIRE


Theme Ingredient: Lapizard


Tomato Parts: 3 Types – Back, Leg, Tail



Match #4

Opponent: Dio


Judges: Bea, Paz, Dorothy


Judge’s Favored Flavor: WATER/EARTH, FIRE, EARTH/FIRE


Theme Ingredient: Squickle


Tomato Parts: 2 Types – Stomach, Tentacle



Match #5

Opponent: Ardea


Judges: Kai and Lupa, Paz


Judge’s Favored Flavor: WATER/EARTH, FIRE,


Theme Ingredient: Taka Berry


Tomato Parts: 1 Types Only


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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