Secret of Mana - Randi - Magic Game World

Secret of Mana – Randi


Randi is the protagonist and thus the first member of your party. Randi is the hapless boy who pulls out the sacred Mana Sword from its stone resting place at the side of a river and unleashes monsters upon his nearby village, and by doing so, gets wrapped up in an epic quest for the future of the world.


Randi fills the archetypical Warrior role in this game. He will start with the Rusty Sword, making the Sword class weapon also your first weapon in the game.




Randi is the strongest weapon fighter in the game. This, however, comes at the cost that Randi will not be able to use magic, and thus won’t have an MP gauge. However, as most of the combat, you will be performing in-game comes in the form of physical combat, Randi will be a strong contender throughout the entire game. Seeing this fact, it is often a good idea for the player to remain in control of Randi for most of the game unless he needs to be revived. However, that said, if you know what you are doing, you could easily take control of the other party members full-time once they become available, but it is generally advisable for newer players to retain control of Randi.


Randi has the highest HP, highest physical strength, and highest physical defense. He has mid-tier magic defense. As magic is generally unavoidable, Randi will inevitably take some big hits but his large HP pool can more often than not allow room for these to happen, but that said, always keep Randi’s HP above 25%, as the next big spell could take him out without a second thought!


As Randi is all about weapons, leveling up a wide variety of weapons will work in your favor, or at least the weapons you like to use.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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