BREATHE Game Walkthrough - Magic Game World

BREATHE Game Walkthrough

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-By exploring the biggest island, you’ll find a cave entrance with a door surrounded by 4 skulls.


-In the beginning of the game, all the skulls are red, as you will have to find them through the area.


-Skulls are hidden in chests that you can find on land and underwater.


-To open chests, approach them, and just stand there waiting for the exclamation point to charge and open it. Seems you can open chests with your mind or eyes, cool.


-Explore everything to find the 4 of them.


-Once you’ve gathered all the skulls, you can notice that the door will now present the skulls as blue. As you approach, the door will open.


-Enter inside until you find an iron gate.


-To open this gate, you’ll need to activate a lever, which is camouflaged in the bottom of a reef.


-To activate that lever, just approach and wait for the exclamation point to charge. I mean, to your telekinetic power do the thing.


-Return to the cave, as now you’ll be able to pass through.


-You’ll find a small area with water. That’s absolutely nothing, ignore it, whatever.


-You’ll also find at your left a huge tomb. Approach it and wait for the exclamation power to open it.


-Congratulations! You beat the game.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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