Pure Farming 2018 - Side Missions Guide - Magic Game World

Pure Farming 2018 – Side Missions Guide

Pure Farming 2018 - Side Missions Guide

Some notes you should know to make the side missions quicker:


  • Always drop the timer down to 1, which is the slowest speed in the game. For example, the Pear Harvest mission has to be done in 16 hours. While you can easily do it in under five minutes, if you turn the speed down, you can go AFK for a bit, do something else, etc., without affecting the timer.


  • If you pre-purchased the game, use the red tractor that was a pre-order bonus. The first one is free, and has a drastic improvement of speed and power over the default Zetor, allowing you to do things much faster.



Side Missions

Pear Harvest

Time Limit: 16 Hours

Reward: $5,000

Objective: Attach trailer, load up pears, deliver pears to storage

This is simple. The objective says to “attach the trailer”, but there is no “the” trailer. Attach any trailer you want. I recommend the DB-8 because of its larger capacity. You then only need to make five trips to complete the mission.



Barley Harvest

Time Limit: 72 Hours

Reward: $10,000

Objective: Harvest the barley field and deliver to the grain silo

You can do this with the regular combine, but if you want to make it go quicker and have the money, buy the Agromash combine and header (the blue one). Speeds up the mission dramatically.



Help in the Second Orchard

Time Limit: 16 Hours

Reward: $5,000

Objective: Fill the orchard’s water and tank and then spray it

Simple. Fill the tank on the side with water, then hook up the Akpil sprayer and go through the orchard.



Run-in the Engine

Time Limit: 16 Hours

Reward: $10,000

Objective: Get into truck and reach designated points

Simply drive the truck through ten checkpoints and back to the diner to complete it.



A Big Job

Time Limit: 72 Hours

Reward: $30,000

Objective: Plow the two fields

Simple. Plow one field, then the next.



Breakfast of Champions

Time Limit: 72 Hours

Reward: $5,000

Objective: Deliver eggs

Speed up time so your chickens produce eggs, then turn them into the diner.



At the Roadside Bar, Part 1

Time Limit: Deliver the tomatoes

Reward: $5,000

Objective: Deliver the tomatoes

All you need to do is set tomatoes to grow at a greenhouse, wait for them to finish, pick them up from the pallet and then drop them off.



At the Roadside Bar, Part 2

Time Limit: 72 Hours

Reward: $5,000

Objective: Deliver 1,102 lbs of peppers

This will unlock once you do part one. Same thing, just grow peppers instead.



At the Roadside Bar, Part 3

Time Limit: 72 Hours

Reward: $5,000

Objective: Deliver 1,102 lbs of cabbages

This will unlock once you do part two. Same thing as the previous, just grow cabbages instead.



Machines Left in Different Places

Dude, Where’s My Car?

Time Limit: 24 Hours

Rewards: $5,000

Objectives: Find the car and return it

Quite simple. Find the car, which is clearly marked, then return it to the farmer.



Picking Up Machines

Time Limit: 1 Hour

Reward: $5,000

Objectives: Pick up four machines and park them in the shed

Simple. Pick up the machines, park them in the shed. Definitely do this one at 1x speed (or just slightly faster).



Selling Pigs

Time Limit: 3 Hours

Reward: $5,000

Objectives: Attach trailer, load pigs, sell pigs

Attach the livestock trailer, pick up the four pigs at the pen, and drop them off at the butcher.



A Chinese Restaurant

Time Limit: 3 Hours

Reward: $5,000

Objective: Deliver 1,102 lbs of plums to the Chinese restaurant

Simple. Load up the water of a plum orchard, spray it, and fast forward time for three days until they’re ready (if they’re not), then pick them up and take them to the restaurant. If you do need to fast forward time, pick up the mission after they’re ready, since you’ll hit the time limit otherwise.



A Chinese Restaurant

Time Limit: 3 Hours

Reward: $5,000

Objective: Deliver 1,102 lbs of pears to the Chinese restaurant

Same as above, just with pears.



A Chinese Restaurant

Time Limit: 3 Hours

Reward: $5,000

Objective: Deliver 1,102 lbs of apples to the Chinese restaurant

Also the same, just with apples.


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