BATTLETECH Controls for Keyboard and Mouse
Articles, BattleTech, Game Controls & Hotkeys /
24 Apr 2018
Mouse and Keyboard controls for the PC version of BATTLETECH are as follows:
All PC Settings
Default Key Bindings
WASD | Move camera.
Q/E | Rotate camera.
Right-click + drag | Freely tumble camera.
Scroll wheel | Zoom in/out.
Middle-click | Auto-pan camera to selected spot on map.
Left-click | Select destination, attack a ’Mech, or confirm action.
Right-click | View details for any friendly or enemy unit in the targeting computer.
TAB | Switch between available ’Mechs, or when in firing mode, switch between available enemy targets.
1 – 9 | Select movement mode or pilot ability.
Minus | Brace (End turn.) Note that the UI incorrectly displays this hotkey as “s”.
Portrait click | Single-click to “find” your ‘Mech if it’s offscreen. Double-click to center camera on selected ‘Mech.
T | Cycle through available Melee targets, when Moving (or DFA targets, when Jumping.)
ESC | “Back up” to previous mode or selection. In general, ESC backs out of everything. If you select a unit, then change your mind and want to Reserve it, ESC will de-select it (unless you’ve already taken an action with it). If you’re in firing mode and don’t want to be, ESC will exit. If you don’t have a unit selected, ESC will bring up the exit game popup. Note that this will be replaced by an in-game menu for launch. |