Raft Game – PC Keyboard Controls
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
23 May 2018
Default Key Bindings
- WASD -> Movement
- Space -> Jump
- 1-8 -> Select hotbar
- Scroll wheel -> Cycle hotbar
- E -> Use cookingstands, chests and more
- O -> Display FPS counter
- Escape -> Open menu / pause game
- B/TAB -> Open / close bag & crafting menucrafting menu
- R -> Rotates buildable objects
- Shift -> Sprint while moving
When holding a building hammer:
- Hold right mouse button -> Opens build menu
- Left mouse button -> Place building
When holding a hook:
- Hold left mouse button -> Charge throw
When hook is in water:
- Hold left mouse button -> Drag hook towards you
- Click right mouse button -> Abort / Instantly receive hook to hand
When holding a fishingrod:
- Hold left mouse button -> Charge throw
- Click left mouse button -> Pull fish from water
When holding a food or water:
- Click left mouse button -> Drink / eat (You can drink water but first you need to cook it)
When holding an axe:
- Hold left mouse button -> Destroy build objects / cut palm tree
Saving the game
- Saving can be done by either exiting to the main menu or by exiting the game.
- Saved files can later on be found in the main menu.