Raft - How to Craft Battery, Receiver & Antennas - Magic Game World

Raft – How to Craft Battery, Receiver & Antennas

2B850FD8 8519 4B6C A7B7 F59D26219DD6


E1FFC232 DEB2 43AC 91BC 3065713222B1



To make;

  • 4 Scrap (Found in island chests, underwater, or from barrels in the sea)


  • 1 Circuit Board (Crafted with 1 Plastic, 2 Copper Ingots and 1 Vine Goo made from burning seaweed)


  • 1 Bolt (Can be crafted with 1 Metal Ingot or found in island chests)




E208E4DB B162 4317 A23F D60E9AAC7A1A



To Craft one:

  • 8 Planks (Found in Chests, in the sea, or from trees gathered on islands with an ax)


  • 6 Plastic (Found in Chests or from floating parts in the sea)


  • 2 Circuit Board (Crafted with 1 Plastic, 2 Copper Ingots, and 1 Vine Goo made from burning seaweed)


  • 1 Hinge (Found in Chests or crafted with 1 Metal Ingot)




6E5CB7B3 0375 425B BB29 0A928513A902



To Craft one:

  • 1 Copper Ingot (Made by putting copper ore found underwater on islands in smelters)


  • 6 Plastic (Found in Chests or from floating parts in the sea)


  • 3 Scrap (Found in island chests, underwater, or from barrels in the sea)


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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May 24, 2018 19:44

where do you find Copper

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