Bards use Spell Points to sing songs so grand they imbue the listener with their mystic properties. Bards provide powerful buffs and debuffs, and can be serviceable combatants in a pinch. Bards gain their power through good humor and a wet whistle, meaning they gain Spell Points and bonuses by drinking on the job.
Starting Ability: Sanctuary Score
Sing a protective song that shields allies from harm.
Practitioners are master manipulators of magic. They generate Spell Points and use them to unleash powerful spells. Practitioners can summon fearsome monsters or assault crowds of enemies with gouts of fire, bolts of lightning, and psychic maelstroms. Among practitioners, there are several established disciplines: Conjurors, Magicians, Sorcerers, Wizards, and the legendary Archmages.
Starting Ability: Arcane Barrage
Fire a bolt of raw arcane energy that rends the soul of of its victim
Fighters may be brutish berserkers who fling themselves headlong in the battle and use raw power to carry them through the fight, or more tactical fighters who can duel with an opponent and come out unscathed. Either way, fighters belong at the front of your group, trading blows with enemies and protecting your more fragile characters while conversely being supported by those they protect.
Starting Ability: Taunt
Insult an enemy and invoke his ire, causing that enemy to charge the fighter, ignoring the rest of your party.
Rogues excel at deception, misdirection, and finding the perfect opportunity to circumvent defenses and land devastating killing blows on key targets. Rogues also have the ability to conceal your party, making it easier to avoid or ambush enemies.
Starting Ability: Hide in Shadows
Slip away into the shadows, making it impossible for enemies to target you with direct attacks. Attacks launched from the shadows deal bonus damage but reveal your position.
He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.
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