Heroes of Might & Magic IV Cheats - Magic Game World

Heroes of Might & Magic IV Cheats

Heroes of Might & Magic IV Cheats

During gameplay press Tab and enter any of the following “Codes”:



Cheat Codes


Auto game play nwcgosolo note: there is no way to turn this off
Free resources nwcambrosia
Build all structures nwccityoftroy
Reveal adventure map nwcprometheus
Reveal puzzle map nwcsphinx
Win combat nwcares
Lose combat nwcachilles
Gain skill nwcathena
Increase level nwcthoth
Learn spells nwcisis
Unlimited movement nwchermes
Lose scenario nwcragnarok
Win scenario nwcvalhalla


Dagger of Despair nwcettubrute
Ring of Greater Negation nwcnibelungenlied


Crusaders nwctristram
Champions nwclancelot
Angels nwcstmichael
Dwarves nwcsevenlittleguys
Magi nwcmerlin
Titans nwccronus
Vampires nwcblahblah
Devils nwchades
Trolls nwcunderthebridge
Minotaurs nwckingminos
Nightmares nwcxanthus
Black Dragons nwcfafnir
Sprites nwcdoyousmellbrownies
Wolves nwcfenrir
Elves nwcfixmyshoes
Unicorns nwcthelast
Phoenixes nwcra
Ogre Magi nwcvalkyries
Behemoths nwcgrendel
Sea Monsters nwcposeidon


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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