Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War III – Console Commands
/To open the console you have to press Ctrl + Shift + ~
From here you can do a few things like bring up an FPS graph with commands like “statgraph” and “statgraph_channel(“fps”)”
Other commands that are easy to use are:
- quit– this will quit out of DoW3 and close the game
- restart– restarts the game
- capturemoviestart(fps) – ex “capturemoviestart(30)” will take screenshots at 30fps till you tell it to stop. The files are somewhere in the dow3 mydocs folder
- capturemoviestop – stop the screenshots
- Player_SetPopCapOverride(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), pop limit size) – ex “Player_SetPopCapOverride(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), 4096)” will get you a pop size of 4096
- setsimrate(gamespeed) – ex “setsimrate(100)” this will set the game speed.
- cheat_buildtime – instant build time
- cheat_ignorecosts – ignore cost of units and elite points
- cheat_resources(amount) – ex “cheat_resources(1000)” 1000 of every resource including elite points
- cheat_revealall – turn off fog of war