Civilization III PC Keyboard Controls
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
17 Mar 2019
Master the art of empire-building with this comprehensive guide to Civilization III keyboard controls.
PC Keyboard Shortcuts & Hotkeys
- F1: Domestic Advisor
- F2: Trade Advisor
- F3: Military Advisor
- F4: Foreign Advisor
- F5: Cultural Advisor
- F6: Science Advisor
- F7: Wonders of the World
- F8: Histograph/Score
- F9: Palace
- F10: Spaceship
- F11: Demographics
- Q: Load Production Queue While in City Window
- W: Wait
- E: Explore/Espionage
- R: Build Road/Recon Mission
- T: Airlift
- U: Upgrade
- P: Pillage
- A: Airdrop/Automate Worker
- S: Air Superiority Mission
- D: Disband Unit
- F: Fortify/Garrison
- G: Go to Contact City Governors Screen
- H: Center on Capitol/Hurry Production
- L: Load/Unload
- Z: Zoom In and Out
- C: Center on Active Unit
- B: Bombard/Bombing Mission/Build Army/Build City/Join City to Increase Population
- N: Plant Forest
- M: Build Mine
- Space Bar: Unit Hold/Skip Turn
- Shift+A: Automate without altering pre-existing improvements
- Shift+I: Automate, This City Only
- Shift+P: Automate, Clean up Pollution Only
- Shift+F: Automate, Clear Forests Only
- Shift+C: Clean Up Pollution, Clear Forest, Clear Jungle
- Shift+U: Upgrade All
- Shift+Click: Add to Production Queue While in City Window
- Shift+Q: Save Production Queue While in City Window
- Shift+G: Change Government (Start Revolution)
- Shift+M: Change Mobilization
- Shift+R: Build Railroad, Re-base Mission
- Shift+D: Contact Rival Leaders
- Shift+L: Locate City
- Shift+E: Use Embassy or Spy
- Ctrl+Shift+Q: Retire
- Shift+Enter: End Turn Immediately
- Ctrl+F: Build Fortress
- Ctrl+R: Build Road to…
- Ctrl+B: Build Road to… Then Colony
- Ctrl+H: Hurry Improvement
- Ctrl+Shift+E: Goes to Espionage Screen
- Ctrl+G: Toggle Map Grid
- Ctrl+P: Change Preferences
- Ctrl+M: Main Menu
- Ctrl+S: Save Game
- Ctrl+L: Load Game
- Ctrl+Q: Resign and Quit
- Ctrl+Shift+M: Main Menu
- Ctrl+Shift+G: Go To City
- Ctrl+Shift+E: Plant a Spy
- Ctrl+Shift+Q: New Game
- Ctrl+Shift+R: Build Railroad To