Imperator: Rome – Research – Tips & Tricks
Articles, Imperator: Rome /
25 Feb 2019
Tips & Tricks for Beginners
- Citizens are the only source of research points.
- Your capital city, province and region each provide a serious, stacking modifier to citizen output, so getting a lot of citizens close or in your very capital, making them happy and then showering them with further research point bonuses is a good way to boost your tech.
- Same goes for other provinces with a lot of citizens – importing some papyrus there can do wonders.
- Most important value for research is Research Efficiency – a ratio of research points produced in the country in a year to the total number of pops in it.
- Research Efficiency tooltip is confusing. The 1st number is a yearly research output which is just Research Points (as shown to the left of it) multiplied by 12.
- That in turn gives a Monthly Research value which is then affected by research speed multipliers as shown next to every research type.
- Most effective bonuses are usually Research Point ones (since they ten to have higher values), then global research speed bonuses and finally ones affecting only one of advances.
- Make sure to periodically check your assigned researchers – every single point of the ability in question gives you additional 10% speed – an amount difficult to come by using other means.
- Each level of advances gives the stacking bonus in its field (hover over “Current level: x” and a green bar for details).
- Each level also gives access to 3 predefined inventions.
- Inventions can be picked up for a base cost of 100 oratory power each.
- As of 1.0 only 3 inventions per advance type are accessible with the recently unlocked replacing the older, unpicked ones.
- To be able to pick the older inventions you need to “dig” for them by selecting the newer ones until you reach the ones you want.
- Depending on your research speed and(to lesser extent) oratory power income you may struggle to keep up with the torrent of new inventions.
- Value of inventions varies a lot, both situationally and objectively, so choose them wisely and cherish every point of civic power, especially if your research speed is up to par.
- You can get “ahead of time” in your research resulting in increased cost of new advances and serious diminishing returns.
- Still – bonuses provided by each level are powerful, especially the military one.
- In general smaller and slower to expand nations will research more quickly while more expansionist ones and bigger may struggle. Especially if they’re tribes that have difficulty keeping their citizens happy.