Imperator: Rome - The Northern Black Sea Region​ - Starting Countries​ - Magic Game World

Imperator: Rome – The Northern Black Sea Region​ – Starting Countries​

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The Northern Black Sea Region​ – Starting Countries​

  • Scythia: Situated between the open Steppes and the Black Sea the Scythian kingdom has no theoretical limit to its expansion. On the other hand the open steppe is by no means as immediately lucrative as maintaining trade with the Greeks to the south. While Scythia is firmly entrenched as the tribal overlord of this region since centuries their supremacy is soon to be challenged by the expanding Sarmatians from the east.


  • Olbia: Greek Trading colony and city state on the western black sea coast. Olbia was established hundreds of years ago and by our start date they have a firm trading relationship with Scythia to the north.


  • Tyras: Small Greek trading colony west of the more influential Olbia.


  • Bosporan Kingdom: A recent civil war between princes of the Kingdom’s Spartocid dynasty had just passed when the its king died suddenly while on the way home from a diplomatic journey. The newly crowned Spartocus has been quick to name himself Basileus, just as the great successor kings to the south, but any ties to the greater Hellenistic conflict ends there. The Bosporan kingdom is quickly emerging as a local power of note in this part of the world, and would not dream of risking that for any southern adventures.


  • Chersonesus: League of cities based around the Greek colony of Chersonesus in the western part of the Crimean peninsula. Has recently gone from a small city state to a slightly more influential entity, expanding north along the Crimean coast.


  • Maeotia: Tribal Federation on the eastern coast of the Sea of Azov (Lake Maeotis), frequently subjected to the Bosporan Kingdom.


  • Sarmatia: Tribal Chiefdom east of the Tanais river. Sarmatia starts with many tribesmen and a low Centralization level, and is eager to replace the old Scythian overlordship over this region.


  • Zygia: Sindican tribal kingdom on the coastline east of the Bosporan Kingdom. Heavily influenced by both Scythian and Hellenistic customs this is also a traditionally a pirate haven.


  • Heniochia: Tribal Kingdom between the western Caucasus range and the sea. A tribal vassal of the Bosporan kingdom and, like Zygia to the west, historically a haven for Black Sea pirates.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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