Controls for Assetto Corsa Competizione - Magic Game World

Controls for Assetto Corsa Competizione

Controls for Assetto Corsa Competizione

The default control scheme for Assetto Corsa Competizione for PC is:



PC Keyboard & Gamepad Controls

Note: Click to enlarge the image.


Controls for Assetto Corsa Competizione



Car Controls

  • KeyboardSteerLeft = <


  • KeyboardSteerRight = >


  • KeyboardGas = A


  • KeyboardBrake = Z


  • KeyboardGearUp = Space


  • KeyboardGearDown = Left Alt


  • CycleCarLightStages = L


  • EnableRainLights = Ctrl + L


  • EnableFlashingLights = Shift + L


  • IncreaseABS = Shift + A


  • DecreaseABS = Ctrl + A


  • IncreaseTC = Shift + T


  • DecreaseTC = Ctrl + T


  • IncreaseBrakeBias = Shift + B


  • DecreaseBrakeBias = Ctrl + B


  • IncreaseEngineMap = Shift + E


  • DecreaseEngineMap = Ctrl + E


  • CycleWiper = Alt + R


  • EngagePitLimiter = Alt + L


  • IgnitionSequence = Shift + I


  • Starter = S


  • CycleMFD = Insert


  • MFDNavigation = Up/Down/Left/Right


  • Chat = Enter



Car Controls II

  • LeftDirectionalLight = Alt + Left


  • RightDirectionalLight = Alt + Right


  • DisplayPageUp = Shift + D


  • DisplayPageDown = Ctrl + D


  • Cycle Racelogic = Alt + D



Camera Controls

  • SelectCockpitCamera = 1


  • SelectBonnetCamera = 2


  • SelectChaseCamera = 3


  • CycleCamera = F1


  • SelectTVCamera = F3


  • CycleOnboardCameras = F6


  • DecreaseFOV = Ctrl + Left


  • IncreaseFOV = Ctrl + Right


  • CameraMoveForward = Ctrl + Up


  • CameraMoveBackward = Ctrl + Down


  • CameraMoveUp = Shift + Ctrl + Up


  • CameraMoveDown = Shift + Ctrl + Down


  • TakeScreenshot = F8


  • FocusNextCar = Shift + Right


  • FocusPreviousCar = Shift + Left


  • FocusPlayerCar = Shift + Up



Session Controls

  • Pause = Escape


  • Hide/Cycle Hud = F2


  • Cycle Nameplates = V



Gamepad Controls

  • Left Stick = Steer


  • Left Trigger = Brake


  • Right Trigger = Gas


  • A = Gear Up


  • X = Gear Down


  • Y = Cycle camera




  • Reset View = Ctrl + Space


  • Move HUD Forward = Ctrl + Left


  • Move HUD Backward = Ctrl + Right


  • Scale HUD Up = Ctrl + Shift + Up


  • Scale HUD Down = Ctrl + Shift + Down


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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