Dead or School Cheats
How to Use Cheat Codes
A launch option must be added to enable debug mode.
- In Steam, right-click the game and select Properties.
- Enter “_debug_on” into the text box
Now that you have to debug enabled, you can use the following shortcuts by pressing numbers on the Numpad.
0: Reset (resets any of the debug options you have chosen)
1: Invincibility
2: Full Heal (gives you full health & stamina)
3: Super Speed (makes you attack/ run/ jump/ dodge fast)
4: Damage (damages your health slightly)
5: Down (insta kills you)
6: Quick Save
7: Unlimited Jump (gives you unlimited double jumps)
8: Attack Up (gives you a huge attack power boost)
9: Warp (instantly returns you home)
And then with CTRL + Numpad number
1: Res Enemies (respawns all enemies)
2: Kill Enemies (kills all enemies)
4: Money (gives you some more money)
5: Customise (opens the weapon customize screen from anywhere)
7: Level Up (gives you a lot of experience)
8: Restore Weapons (gives you full ammo and full durability)
9: Teleport (will teleport you to where your mouse cursor is)
The most useful option is ctrl + 9 for helping out when something goes wrong.