Barotrauma PC Cheats - Magic Game World

Barotrauma PC Cheats

Barotrauma PC Cheats

To activate all Barotrauma cheats, during gameplay you should press on the F3 key to bring up the Command Console. After that you can lookup below what cheats there are & what their codes to enter are.


To list all the COMMANDs you can use, open the console in-game and type in help



Cheats & Console Commands


Makes the submarine invulnerable.



spawnitem welding tool

This spawn welding tool at cargo spawnpoints of submarine. If you submarine has more, than one you can do below command.



spawnitem welding tool 2

This spawns a welding tool at the second cargo spawnpoint of you submarine.



spawn husk inside

Will spawn husk inside your submarine, where player spawns. If you insert monster spawnpoint somewhere husk will spawn at that specific point.



spawn husk

Spawns husk outside of submarine at the start of the level, but I don’t know how exactly this works.



spawn (player)

This will cause player to be spawned, but it’s buggy. You may need to use heal (player) to fix this.




Removes bleeding, oxygen deprivation and lost HP from yourself, but not the others.



heal (player name)

Above thing, but on specified player. I’m not sure if this command is real.




All monsters near your submarine are killed if players don’t control them.




All items and broken interactable parts of the submarine (except of walls) fully reduce their condition.




All walls are fully repaired.




This will make you increase water level in hulls, where you hold left mouse button and drop it when holding right mouse button. To disable it type command for second time (you should receive message: WATER EDITING OFF.




All hulls in a submarine have set oxygen quality to 100%, also works on other presented submarines.




Causes you to enter submarine editor in the middle of the game. You can see waypoints of autopilot being there and edit them as well as alien ruins stuff. You can also remove gaps in the broken walls of submarine borderlining with exterior area to make submarine not take flood by them.




Abandons submarine editor. You may need to use command control (character) to restore control over yourself and command lockcamera (character) to remove freecam command’s side effect.




Instantly kills all creatures in the map.


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