Golden Treasure: The Great Green – The Great Lesson
The Great Lesson
Walkthrough with maps for solving The Great Lesson offered by Darktooth for 20 gems. If you prefer to make your own maps but need a tip to get started with the School maze: The room with the infinity symbol is the same room, or in other words everytime you see the infinity symbol you are back to the same place in the map and can work outwards from there.
1. The School of History
When you reach the Ohms, avoid the option to pass them by to begin with (so you can get the elemental masteries from the other dialogue options first), don’t destroy them (I assume…I haven’t tried frying them, it might be interesting?) and don’t return to the maze (this will waste time). When you have used all other dialogue options, ask if you can pass them by. Provided you have all 7 panels discovered, this will lead to the need to sequence the panels as follows (these are from memory; I’ll try to get screenshots or more detail from my next play through):
1. Panel with sun above and earth below.
2. Panel with a large proud and happy looking Draak surrounded by smaller ones.
3. Panel with the Others arriving in spaceships and shooting down Draak (similar to #5, differences TBA)
4. Large Draak leading an army against the Others.
5. The Other’s spaceship dominating the sky and Draak dying.
6. The Other’s making more human shaped creatures.
7. The Others are gone and the are Draak and human shaped creatures.
2. The School of Wisdom
Tip if you want to figure out the map yourself but want a hint to get started:
The infinity symbol means you have returned to the same place every time.
Note: Click to enlarge image;
Your aim here is to visit all 4 schools in the maze and obtain the blessing of the instructor there.
If you are short of energy The School of Faith will give you food at the cost of reputation.
The School of Knowledge
To obtain the blessing you have to be reasonably fast at mental arithmetic. Have a calculator handy if this is a challenge. The final question involving square roots is always 51. Other questions will vary.
The School of Faith
Answers to obtain the final blessing:
1. The surface
2. The second
3. Chartreuse (veridian should also be correct imo but nvm)
4. Faith
The School of Emptiness
To obtain the blessing, remain silent for all the questions.
The School of Wealth
Ask him how much his life is worth in sand and then point out that he he has taught you that morality is irrelevant.
Once you have obtained all 4 blessings, proceed to the graduation point.
There you must refuse the invitation to join each of the 4 schools