WoW Classic – Best Warrior Races
Unlike other classes, every race from every faction can become a Warrior in World of Warcraft Classic.
Humans are generally seen as a great pick for Alliance Warriors due to their increase skill in both swords and maces for extra hit, while Perception can help out when encountering Rogues.
Gnomes are also a good pick for PvP geared Warriors, as Warriors can easily be kited without Escape Artist, but their increased Intellect won’t help that much. Dwarves also have some favor for their stoneskin ability – but its the only big ability they have going for them.
On the Horde, Taurens are generally a great pick for Warriors as they are natural tanks with a better health pool and the ability to stun many enemies at once that surround them.
Orcs are also a good pick for Warrior with their Blood Fury and Hardiness being great in PvP and PvE, and Axe Specialization is a bit more focused than humans, but still a good investment.
Undead have the Will of the Forsaken to help them get out of situations where a Warrior could be kited, and Trolls have better regeneration capabilities that make them ideal for lowering the downtime when leveling – which Warriors are notoriously slow at.