World of Warcraft Classic – Class Roles Guide
WoW has three core roles–Tank, Healing, and DPS, as well as the concept of a hybrid role. Different talent trees emphasize certain roles over others)
Tank: A sturdy melee character that absorbs and deflects damage to protect the rest of the party.
Druid (Feral Combat), Paladin (Protection), Warrior (Protection)
Healer: A character that focuses on casting spells to increase the health bars of others in the party, with a secondary emphasis on providing utility and resurrecting dead party members.
Druid (Restoration), Paladin (Holy), Priest (Discipline, Holy), Shaman (Restoration)
DPS: These classes prioritize dealing damage to enemies. They can either be Melee, using weapons to deal damage up close to the boss, or Ranged, casting spells from afar. Melee classes are generally sturdier than Ranged classes, but have dangerous mechanics like Cleave to worry about. These roles generally have weaker utility than Hybrids.
Ranged DPS: Hunter (Beast Mastery, Marksman, Survival), Mage (Arcane, Fire, Frost), Warlock (Affliction, Demonology, Destruction)
Melee DPS: Rogue (Assassination, Combat, Subtlety), Warrior (Arms, Fury)
Hybrid: These roles can deal damage but have a stronger emphasis on utility than a pure DPS.
Hybrid Melee: Druid (Feral Combat), Paladin (Retribution), Shaman (Enhancement)
Hybrid Ranged: Druid (Balance), Priest (Shadow), Shaman (Elemental)