Call of Duty Modern Warfare - How to Set Up a Bot Match - Magic Game World

Call of Duty Modern Warfare – How to Set Up a Bot Match

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Playing against bots (computer controlled enemies) can be good for practicing tactics and great fun for co-op style gameplay (friends vs bots). Playing bot matches will help you improve your game! This will allow you to practice in a no pressure environment before getting into matches with real players!



Change Bot Settings Under Setup

From the multiplayer lobby, navigate to the “Custom Game” button next to the play button.This will open up a custom match page. From here, set up the match that you want to play!


Bots settings can be changed in the menu screen under “Setup”.


Settings you can tweak include:


-Bot Numbers




-Game Modes




  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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