Verdun Cheats
Articles, Cheats, Misc. Guides /
30 Oct 2019
Basic Commands:
- /Help: Provides a list of all available commands and admin control words and phrases.
- /showmsg: Turns your text red; useful for announcements.
- /endmatch: Ends the current match.
- /setnextmap: Sets the next map after the current game ends.
- /restart: Restarts the match.
Player Management:
- /kick [player username]: Kicks a player from the game (e.g., /kick john doe removes John Doe from the game).
- /admin [player username]: Makes a player an admin, granting access to admin tools (e.g., /admin jane doe gives Jane Doe admin rights).
Password Management:
- /changepw [new password]: Changes the game password (must be at least 5 characters). For example, /changepw entente.
- /changeadminpw [new password]: Changes the admin password (must be at least 5 characters).
Match Settings:
- /changesides: Automatically switches the side of each player, no need to switch manually via the scoreboard.
- /friendlyfire: Toggles friendly fire on or off.
- /timeleft: Displays the time left in the match.
- /setroomsize [number]: Sets the size of the room (can be between 2 and 64 players).
- /setweapons [weapon type]: Restricts the match to a specific weapon type, such as melee or Berthier (e.g., /setweapons melee).
Spectators and Performance:
- /listspectators: Lists the players who are spectating the game.
- /perfocc and /perfcam: Likely monitor game performance (exact details may vary).
Mute and Chat Controls:
- /mute [player username]: Mutes a player, removing their chat and voice from your view (e.g., /mute nazi fascist).
- /unmute [player username]: Unmutes a player, allowing you to hear their chat and voice again (e.g., /unmute hunting the hun).