Graywalkers: Purgatory PC Keyboard Controls Guide
PC Keyboard Controls
Print out or refer to the following list of PC keyboard commands and controls for Graywalkers: Purgatory.
F1 to F10 – Pressing any of the F buttons let you choose the corresponding member in the team
1 to 8 – Each of this buttons corresponds to each active ability in your quick ability bar
Esc – This brings out the options screen
Tab – Let’s you switch target to each visible enemies
Spacebar – This is your end turn shortcut
WASD – this moves your camera forward (W), backward (S), strafe Right (D), strafe left (A)
Q & E – Q and E rotates the camera to their respective directions
Right Mouse Button – choose where target will move to
Left Mouse Button – selecting & clicking objects
Press Middle Button – press then rotate mouse to rotate screen
Scroll Middle Button – scrolling up zooms in and down zooms out