NBA 2K21 – How to Dunk
/There are three kinds of basic dunk in NBA 2K21, and each one requires you to drive to the basket by pressing the ‘sprint’ button: that’s R2 on the PS4 or RT on Xbox One.
Once you’re sprinting to the basket, and you’ve got a clear enough path to complete a dunk, you’re gonna want to remain in motion while doing the following:
- Two-hand dunk – Press RT/R2 + move and hold right stick up while driving in close range
- Dominant (or off-hand) dunk – Press RT/R2 + move and hold right stick up left or right in close range (the direction of the right stick determines dunking hand)
- Flashy dunk – Press RT/R2 + move and hold right stick down while driving in close range (with left stick), release right stick to finish dunk