Death Trash PC Keyboard Controls and Key Bindings Guide - Magic Game World

Death Trash PC Keyboard Controls and Key Bindings Guide

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In this guide, you will find the complete list of controls and shortcuts for Death Trash. Please note that you can also change these controls to your desired keys.




  • Movement Up – W or Up Arrow


  • Movement Down – S or Down Arrow


  • Movement Left – A or Left Arrow


  • Movement Right – D or Right Arrow


  • Use – E


  • Shoot – LMB


  • Melee – LMB


  • Ability – F or Mouse 4


  • Roll – Space


  • Reload – R


  • Stealth – ALT


  • Active Targeting – RMB


  • Block – RMB


  • Free Look – MMB


  • Use Equipped Item – Q


  • Equipment – C


  • Combat Mode – T


  • Attack Override – Shift


  • Highlight All Actions – Left Ctrl


  • Inventory – TAB


  • Mini Map – M or X


  • Loot All – Space


  • Window Navigation Left – Page Up


  • Window Navigation Right – Page Down


  • Quick Save – F5


  • Quick Load – F9


  • Hotkey Language Override – Right Ctrl


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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