Two Worlds II – Call of the Tenebrae Cheat Codes
Press ENTER to open the console and the type TWOWORLDSCHEATS. After that you may enter the following codes for the desired effect.
These codes disable Achievements/Trophies and require the cheat activation code:
Cheat Code   Result
TWOWORLDSCHEATS – Activation code for cheating
AddExperiencePoints X – Experience points, where X is a number between 0 and 255
Addgold X – Gold, where X is a number between 0 and 255
AddParamPoints X – Parameter points, where X is a number between 0 and 255
AddSkillPoints X – Skill points, where X is a number between 0 and 255
Time X – Time of day, where X is a number between 0 and 255
GOD X – Toggle God Mode, , where X is a number is 0 or 1
health – Full health
killhorse – Kills horse while riding
ec.dbg levelup – Level up
hero.move.fastrunspeed X – Where X is sprint speed X – Change clicks for max speed on horse your horse (lower = fewer clicks)
ec.dbg iamcheater – Set attributes to 1000
eq_boat_01 – Spawn a boat
horse_01 (01-04 for different color) – Spawn a horse
jump2 – Teleport you to cursor
ec.dbg skills – Unlock all Skills
StartFlyingEyeMode X – Free flying camera, where X is distance
Dice.Test – Play dice game
jump X – Warp to a map (where X is map name)
SetGateOverride – Open locked gates
Immortal 1 – God mode (Alternate)
I can’t enable the cheats, using TWOWORLDSCHEATS don’t set to 1, always appear TWOWORLDSCHEATS()>0, so this means is not enable, what can i do??
The cheats posted for Call of The Tenebrae are non functional. The developers clearly stated that twoworldscheats no longer function in the cheat console.
Previous game versions, including 2.0, some versions were intentionally disabled. Game versions 2.01-2.04 cheats were enabled again with the command cotcheats