American Theft 80s Cheats
Cheats, Articles, Misc. Guides /
19 Feb 2021
To access the in-game console in American Theft 80s, press the tilde key on the keyboard (just beside the “1” key in the top left corner). If the tilde does not work on your keyboard, you may need to use the apostrophe key instead.
Cheats & Console Commands
Cheat Code – Effect
- flycameraon: Activate the flying camera.
- fon: Activate the flying camera.
- motherlode: Add 100000 Cash.
- clearach: Clear All Achievements.
- resetcars: Fix all Player Vehicles.
- sneakyboy: Equip the Player with stealth items.
- clearhints: Clear all hints.
- flycameraoff: Deactivate the flying camera.
- foff: Deactivate the flying camera.
- next: Set the current quest as ‘Done’.
- stars1: Call the police on the Player position.
- stars0: Call Off Police.
- backpack: Equip Backpack.
- ghost: Invisible
- thieftools: Give Player All Thieft Tools.
- stopheist: Stop Current Heist.
- electro: Add Electrician Disguise.
- solazy: Set Quest as ‘Done’.
- notlazy: Set Quest as ‘NotTaken’.
- gravity: Allow Gravity.
- trailer: Hide HUD, LOD Bias to 3 and Shadow Distance to 200.
- guioff: Hide HUD.
- addheat: Add 10% to heat.
- addheatfull: Add full heat.
- guion: Unhide HUD.
- goultra: Set LOD Bias to 3 and Shadow Distance to 200.
- time1770: Set game time to 1770.
- raintime: Set game time to 4000.
- freeexp: Add 100 Experience.
- freecash: Add 1000 Cash.
- time0: Set game time to 0.
- heisttime: Set timeline to 22.
- noontime: Set timeline to 13.
- morningtime: Set timeline to 9.
- eveningtime: Set timeline to 17.
- nighttime: Set timeline to 23.