Cavalry & Horse Archers - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Magic Game World

Cavalry & Horse Archers – Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Cavalry & Horse Archers - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord


Cavalry armed for melee combat are mostly aristocrats and lesser gentry, although herdsmen and nomads will sometimes own horses and train to fight on them. They hit hard, and can easily overwhelm scattered infantry. If they encounter a tight formation, however, they may be stopped in their tracks and overwhelmed. Some cavalry are also armed with javelins, allowing them to double as horse archers until it is time for the charge.



Horse Archers

Horse archers are cavalry with missile weapons. Traditionally nomads make the best horse archers, although mounted aristocrats of other cultures have trained with the bow to deal with the threat from the steppe. Managed properly, they can keep their distance from the enemy while pelting them with javelins or arrows. If they are caught by melee cavalry or if they accidentally get too close to foot, however, they may take serious losses. Against archers they will usually lose an exchange of fire, but may be able to run down their enemy if given orders to charge. Many cultures also make use of javelin-armed horsemen, who have less ammunition and range than mounted archers but who equip a shield.


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