Europa Universalis IV: Domination Cheats and Console Commands
Articles, Misc. Guides /
18 Apr 2022
Accessing the Console: To access the console in Europa Universalis IV: Domination, press the tilde key (~), located above the TAB key. With the console open, you can enter any of the cheat codes or commands listed below.
Resources and Country Management:
- Extra Money: Boost your country’s treasury by typing ‘cash‘ followed by the desired amount (e.g., cash 1000).
- Add Stability: Improve your country’s stability by typing ‘stability‘.
- Add Patriarch Authority: To add patriarch authority to a country, type ‘add_pa [Country tag]‘.
- Extra Manpower: Increase your country’s manpower by typing ‘manpower‘ followed by the desired amount (e.g., manpower 50000).
- Add Natives: To add natives to a specific province, type ‘add_natives [ProvinceID] [Amount]‘.
- Add Papal Influence: To add papal influence to a country, type ‘add_pi [Country tag]‘.
Casus Belli, Cores, and Opinions:
- Add Casus Belli: Obtain a casus belli against a target country by typing ‘add_cb [casus belli tag] [target country tag]‘.
- Add Core: Create a core in a province by typing ‘add_core [Province ID]‘.
- Add Opinion: Modify the opinion between two countries by typing ‘add_opinion [Country tag]‘.
Colonization and Expansion:
- Add Colonist: Grant a colonist to a country by typing ‘add_colonist [Country tag]‘.
- Add Population: Increase the population of a province by typing ‘population [ProvinceID] [Amount]‘.
- Begin Annex: Start annexing a specified country by typing ‘annex [Target Country Tag]‘.
- Begin Integration: Initiate the integration of a specified country by typing ‘integrate [Target Country Tag]‘.
Technology, Ideas, and Reforms:
- Get Administrative Power: Obtain administrative power by typing ‘adm [AMOUNT OPTIONAL]‘.
- Get Diplomatic Power: Gain diplomatic power by typing ‘dip [AMOUNT OPTIONAL]‘.
- Get Military Power: Acquire military power by typing ‘mil [AMOUNT OPTIONAL]‘.
- Add Idea Group: Add a specific idea group by typing ‘add_idea_group [Idea group key]‘.
- Add Reform Level: Increase the empire’s reform level by typing ‘add_reformlevel [Amount]‘.
Military and Revolts:
- Max War Score: To gain maximum war score in all wars, type ‘winwars‘.
- Start Pirate: To start a pirate in a province, type ‘pirate [Province ID]‘.
- Start Revolt: To start a revolt in a province, type ‘revolt [Province ID]‘.
Miscellaneous Commands:
- Fog of War: Toggle the fog of war on or off by typing ‘fow on‘ or ‘fow off‘.
- Observe Mode: Switch to observe mode (spectator) by typing ‘observe‘.
- Tag Switch: Change control to another country by typing ‘tag [Country tag]‘.
- Toggle Message Pop-ups: To toggle all message pop-ups, type ‘msg‘.
- Toggle Fullscreen: To toggle fullscreen mode, type ‘fullscreen‘.
Trigger various events in the game using the ‘event’ command followed by the event ID and target country tag (e.g., ‘event 3041 51’). Some examples of events include:
- Test Mission: To test a mission without triggering it, type ‘testmission [Mission Name]‘.
- Philosopher Rush of Colonists: ‘event 4021 5022‘
- Natural Scientist Rush of Merchants: ‘event 4022 5023‘
- Army Reformer Diplomatic Event: ‘event 4023 5024‘
- Excellent Minister: ‘event 5015‘
- Exceptional Year: ‘event 5019 5020 5021‘
- Test Event: To test an event without triggering it, type ‘testevent [Event ID] [Character ID]‘.