OLDTV Achievement Guide - Magic Game World

OLDTV Achievement Guide

OLDTV Achievement Guide

Frequency Achievements

There are a total of 10 achievements related to Frequency. In the first 5 you do not need to gain a specific amount of Frequency for certain levels. Where the last 5 require you to reach a set amount of Frequency before you move on to the next level.


There are two ways to unlock all of these achievements.


-Be quick enough to gain the required Frequency for each achievement and level.


-Buy the Hold to skip Skill and skip until you gain enough Frequency.


For option 2, I highly recommend grinding enough CP to complete the game in one go; So that you can knock all of the Frequency achievements out in a single go.


(i don’t know the specific amount required to beat the game from Oceania, about 1500 CP got me a little way into Africa, so I would grind for at least 2000+ just to be safe.)



Combo achievements

Sherlock mode:

Combo channels in quick enough succession to get the purple, green, and cyan crosses to appear.


Complete the game without maxing combo:

This achievement requires you to keep the combo meter from reaching 3 crosses. Starting from Africa is the easiest way to get this achievement. keep in mind you have to account for several things


-being quick enough to prevent yourself from losing


-understanding the combo system. You will gain a cross for every 4 channels you get right in quick enough succession; this means that you can only answer 3 channels to prevent yourself from gaining the 3rd cross.


-you can use the hold to skip Skill, But it will count towards combos, so use it carefully.



CP and Skip related

Hold to skip 25 Channels:

As the name suggests, skip 25 channels using the hold to skip Skill.


Go to space on the main menu:

Collect 300 CP to unlock the infinity channel and then start a round.


Accumulation 1000 & 2000 CP:

You will have to play the game until you earn enough CP. (there is no other way around this)


Buy all Skills:

Save enough CP so that you can buy all 3 skills at least once.


Reach #200 on Saturn:

Go to the infinity channel and reach channel 200; keep in mind that you can also use skips to reach channel 200.


Reach channel 10 on monochrome:

This one isn’t as hard as it sounds; go into settings and change the colorblindness set to monochrome, and use 10 skips.


Reach channel 10 with another language:

Much like the monochrome achievement, go into settings and change the language to one you didn’t pick at the start. Then start a round and use 10 skips.




Play 100 games:

As the name suggests, play 100 games.


Type the color, not the word x10:

Again, this one is pretty straightforward, type the color of the word’s color and not the word itself.


Survive all mechanics:

Do your best the get through everything the game can throw at you.


Combo for 100 Channels:

Do your best to get through 100 channels while keeping a combo going.


Fail every channel on the tutorial:

Go into settings and click on the tutorial button and make the failing move on each channel.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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