Controls for Starsiege: Deadzone - Magic Game World

Controls for Starsiege: Deadzone

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Starsiege: Deadzone drops you into a thrilling sci-fi universe where humanity is hanging by a thread. You suit up as a Raider, a savvy space mercenary, tasked with braving treacherous, AI-controlled space stations and squaring off against other Raiders. The game is packed with unique features – dynamic light and darkness mechanics, a diverse arsenal for tactical PvP combat, and procedurally generated ships that keep every mission fresh and unpredictable. The stakes? As high as ever. You’ve got to grab valuable resources and make a mad dash for the escape pods before time runs out – and keep in mind, there’s only room for half.


Sounds exciting, right? But every seasoned Raider knows that mastering your controls can make the difference between a successful extraction and going down with the ship. That’s where this guide comes in. We’ll be going through the default keyboard controls and key bindings for Starsiege: Deadzone to give you the edge you need to conquer the Deadzone.



Default Keyboard and Mouse Controls

  • Move Forward: W


  • Move Backwards: S


  • Strafe Right: D


  • Strafe Left: A


  • Jump: Space Bar


  • Crouch Toggle: Left Ctrl


  • Primary Fire: Left Mouse Button


  • Aim Down Sights: Right Mouse Button


  • Reload: R


  • Flashlight: Z


  • Switch to Kinetic Weapon: 1


  • Switch to Energy Weapon: 2


  • Switch to Melee Weapon: 3


  • Interact: F


  • Ability 1: Q


  • Ability 2: E


  • Consumable: C


  • Ping: Middle Mouse Button


  • Show Inventory: TAB


  • Push to Talk: T


  • Toggle Voice Chat: M


  • Report Killing Player: F1


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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