Sunkenland PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Sunkenland PC Keyboard Controls Guide

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Sunkenland is this dope new survival game where vibes from the classic ’95 flick Waterworld come to life in the gaming world. Remember Kevin Costner cruising through that massive oceanic wasteland? You get some serious déjà vu sailing through this game’s endless waters. The team at Vector3 Studio totally nailed that movie magic, mixing it up with gameplay that gets a lot of inspo from the survival game kingpin, Rust. So, if you wanna crush it in this wild, wet world, you gotta get those controls down pat. Stay tuned, ’cause this guide’s got the lowdown on all the default keyboard shortcuts you’ll need.



Default Key Bindings for PC

General Controls and Hotkeys:

  • Move Forward: W


  • Move Backward: S


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Right: D


  • Light: L


  • Jump: Space


  • Crouch: Left Ctrl


  • Sprint: Left Shift


  • Fire: Left Mouse Button


  • Aim: Right Mouse Button


  • Reload: R


  • Inventory: TAB


  • Interact: F


  • Building Menu: B


  • Quest Menu: U


  • Map Menu: M


  • Quick Slot 1: 1


  • Quick Slot 2: 2


  • Quick Slot 3: 3


  • Quick Slot 4: 4


  • Quick Slot 5: 5


  • Quick Slot 6: 6


  • Push To Talk:



Inventory Hotkeys:

  • Drag: Right Mouse Button


  • Use: Right Mouse Button



Boat Controls:

  • Quit: C


  • Sail Up: R


  • Rotate Sail: Q/E


  • Turn Left: A


  • Turn Right: D


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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