Sneak Guide: How to Use Stealth in Starfield - Magic Game World

Sneak Guide: How to Use Stealth in Starfield

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Hey Starfield Fans!! Strap in ’cause we’re diving deep into the shadows. Wanna know how to be the sneakiest space traveler in Starfield? Then this guide’s for you. We’re gonna break down all the need-to-know deets, from unlocking the Stealth skill to becoming a master of sneak attacks and persuasion.



Unlocking the Stealth Skill

Yo, first things first. If you chose a background like Cyber Runner or Ronin, congrats—you start the game with the Stealth skill. For the rest of us mere mortals, you gotta unlock it. Head on over to the Starfield skills screen and drop a Skill Point to unlock the Stealth skill. Simple as that.


If you know you’re gonna sneak around a lot, maybe go for a background that hooks you up with Stealth from the get-go.



Understanding the Stealth Meter

Once you’ve got that sweet Stealth skill you’ll see the Stealth Meter pop up at the top of your screen when you crouch… It’ll start off saying ‘HIDDEN‘ on a white background. Get spotted by friendlies and it turns green with ‘DETECTED‘. If enemies are gettin’ suspicious, it’ll switch to ‘CAUTION‘ in orange and eventually to ‘DANGER‘ in red if you’re about to get blasted.


Pay attention to the color. It’ll let you know if peeps around you are chill or ready to fight.



The Stealth Build

Essential Skills:

  • Stealth: The bread and butter. Invest your points here to become harder to detect, and for those juicy sneak attack multipliers.


  • Theft: Improve pickpocketing success and steal without getting busted…


  • Hacking: Bypass security systems and grab that sweet, sweet intel.


  • Persuasion: Talk your way out if ever caught. It’s an art.



Best Perks for The Ghost Build:

  • Silent Step: Reduces the noise made while moving. It’s like you’re walking on space clouds.


  • Shadow Dancer: Enhances your ability to remain hidden in plain sight.


  • Eagle Eye: Spot enemies from a distance, which is super clutch when plotting your path unseen.


  • Tech Whisperer: Boosts your hacking skills, allowing you to interact with higher-level tech without triggering alarms.



Gear Up, Space Phantom:

  • Chameleon Suit: This suit bends light around you, making you almost invisible to the naked eye.


  • Soft Sole Boots: Reduces movement noise. Also, super comfy.


  • Holo-Decoy: A device to distract foes & divert their attention perfect for making your escape…



Companions to Consider:

  • Nyx: The rogue AI. She’s got a knack for security systems & can be a big help when you’re trying to keep things on the down-low…


  • Kal: The quiet ex-bounty hunter… Knows how to tread softly and carry a big blaster.



Stealth in Space

You heard it right—space stealth is a thing!! Reduce your ship’s power consumption to lower your heat signature and slide by enemies undetected. It’s not just about sneaking on foot; you can be sneaky in space too!



Ship Modifications:

  • Stealth Mode: This ship mod reduces your heat signature making it harder for enemy ships to lock onto you.


  • Silent Thrusters: Upgrade your ship’s thrusters to make less noise. Remember space might be a vacuum but noise can travel through your ship’s vibrations.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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