Controls for The Last Faith
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
25 Dec 2020
This article lists the default controls used for The Last Faith on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.
Xbox Controller Bindings
- Movement: Left Stick
- Use Item: LT/LB
- Secondary Attack: RT
- Hold: RB
- Move Camera: Right Stick
- Action: Y
- Dodge: B
- Jump: A
- Primary Attack: X
- Switch Item: D-Pad Up/Down
- Switch Weapon Right: D-Pad Right
- Switch Weapon Left: D-Pad Left
- Quick Map: View Button
- Open/Close Menu: Menu Button
PlayStation Controls
- Movement: Left Stick
- Use Item: L2/L1
- Secondary Attack: R2
- Hold: R1
- Move Camera: Right Stick
- Action: Triangle (△)
- Dodge: Circle (○)
- Jump: X
- Primary Attack: Square (□)
- Switch Item: D-Pad Up/Down
- Switch Weapon Right: D-Pad Right
- Switch Weapon Left: D-Pad Left
- Quick Map: Touchpad (or Select, depending on the controller version)
- Open/Close Menu: Options Button